Exceptional Performances Bring Single Mother’s Struggles to Life

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Full Time (À plein temps)


Genre: Drama
Year Released: 2021, 2023 Music Box Films streaming and DVD
Runtime: 1h 28m
Director(s): Éric Gravel
Writer(s): Éric Gravel
Cast: Laure Calamy, Anne Suarez, Geneviève Mnich, Nolan Arizmendi, Sasha Lemaitre Cremaschi, Cyril Gueï, Lucie Gallo, Agathe Dronne, Mathilde Weil, Dana Fiaque, Mareme N’Diaye
Language: French with English subtitles
Where To Watch: now available on DVD and digital www.musicboxfilms.com

RAVING REVIEW: Prepare yourself for an equally entertaining and thought-provoking cinematic journey. Éric Gravel’s FULL TIME takes us through the ups and downs of the life of Julie Roy; a character brilliantly brought to life by Laure Calamy. This film celebrates the resilience of the human spirit as we follow Julie’s everyday struggles as a single mother.

FULL TIME delivers a powerful narrative that keeps viewers satiated. Calamy’s performance beautifully complements Gravel’s keen direction, while Irène Drésel’s electrifying score further intensifies the film. We explore universally relatable themes, dissecting societal challenges, the government’s responsibility in supporting its citizens, and the pursuit of stability in a chaotic world. The movie’s ability to provoke introspection and self-reflection in viewers showcases the power of its storytelling.

Set in the backdrop of Paris, Julie, a hotel maid and single mother, contends with many challenges, from her ex-husband’s debts and low wages to her children’s nanny quitting and strikes jeopardizing her punctuality at work. Gravel’s directorial finesse captures the ever-present tension, creating an atmosphere that resonates with viewers.

A notable aspect of FULL TIME is Julie’s sense of isolation, this is done through various ways throughout the film, but arguably the most potent form is showing how Julie just doesn’t have time for others—underscoring the harsh realities of modern life, making Julie’s story all the more poignant and relevant.

As a recipient of the Best Director and Best Actress Horizons (Orizzonti) awards at the Venice Film Festival, FULL TIME stands as a testament to the skill and dedication of its cast and crew. The film dodges clichés and melodrama, providing an enjoyable experience while delivering a meaningful message, a rare feat for any movie. Instead, offering a fresh perspective on human nature’s heroic and imperfect aspects.

In conclusion, FULL TIME is a riveting and thought-provoking film that skillfully showcases the challenges faced by a single mother in an accessible and engaging way. With exceptional performances, a directorial style that accentuates the gritty realism of life’s trials, and a unique blend of genres, FULL TIME is a must-watch for everyone, not just movie buffs.

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[photo courtesy of MUSIC BOX FILMS]

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