Hazanavicius Amplifies Cinema’s Meta in Remake
Final Cut (Coupez!)
Genre: Comedy, Horror
Year Released: 2022/2023
Runtime: 1h 50m
Director(s): Michel Hazanavicius
Writer(s): Michel Hazanavicius, Shin’ichirô Ueda, Ryoichi Wada
Cast: Bérénice Bejo, Romain Duris, Matilda Lutz, Finnegan Oldfield
Language: French with English subtitles
Where To Watch: for screenings near you, check www.kinolorber.com
RAVING REVIEW: For those unacquainted with the body of work of Michel Hazanavicius, the uniquely European rendition of Shin’ichirô Ueda’s applauded ONE CUT OF THE DEAD, branded as FINAL CUT, serves as a brilliant entry point. The plot puts Rémi (Romain Duris) in the spotlight, tasking him with an ambitious directive – shooting a zombie movie in real-time, with only one take to get it right. The narrative evolves with unexpected twists (unless, of course, you’ve seen the original.)
Historically, zombie themes were a mainstay of genre-specific flicks until the last decade, when we’ve seen a dramatic shift in the movie landscape. The transformation repositioned zombie themes to the center stage, heralding a new era of inventive ventures within this domain.
Despite the original ONE CUT OF THE DEAD’s distinctive charm, the creators behind FINAL CUT took a calculated risk by reimagining this revered film. Still, the gamble pays off – the French interpretation maintains the original’s essence without succumbing to the excesses of Hollywood. It’s an interesting take because it’s very much a remake but with an entirely different feeling, some good, some bad.
Hazanavicius, a cinephile with a distinct penchant for cinema’s meta feel, takes FINAL CUT as an opportunity to amplify this interest. He disrupts standard narrative frameworks while honoring film genres’ diversity and evolution. FINAL CUT dives headfirst into the adrenaline-charged realm of live performances, providing a captivating glimpse into the peculiarities of live streaming – replete with perplexing dialogues and actions. The off-screen blunders in the pressurized environment of live broadcasting contribute to the narrative’s comedic elements.
Cinematographer Jonathan Ricquebourg’s craft elevates the cinematic journey of FINAL CUT. Tense corridor pursuits, strategically shifting angles, and constant character movement intricately knit together, ratcheting the suspense. As the film progresses, it becomes evident that FINAL CUT is more than a laugh-inducing spectacle. It serves as a satirical commentary on the film industry, criticizing everything from producers’ nonchalance to the glitz of actors and the mercenary instincts of directors. Despite this, it never loses sight of the camaraderie and shared passion that makes the world of cinema resonate with audiences.
FINAL CUT is an engaging cinematic experience crafted to entertain you. It’s a love letter to the art of cinema, celebrating our universal fascination. While it doesn’t hold up as well as the original, there’s enough to watch, just for the comparisons alone. I highly recommend watching them back to back if you can.
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[photo courtesy of KINO LORBER]
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