I’ve Been Wanting to See This for so Long
Cha Cha Real Smooth
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Year Released: 2022
Runtime: 1h 47m
Director(s): Cooper Raiff
Writer(s): Cooper Raiff
Cast: Cooper Raiff, Dakota Johnson, Evan Assante, Vanessa Burghardt, Leslie Mann, Brad Garrett
Where To Watch: Streaming on Apple TV+
I would like to start with the most critical part of this film (at least for myself.) Apple did something that Hollywood should ALWAYS do and cast appropriately. I don’t want to give anything away, but the casting of Vanessa Burghardt was incredible. We need a lot more of this and a lot less of MUSIC by Sia! Although honestly, I’ll be delighted the day that casting like this isn’t news.
I would like to say that I feel like Dakota Johnson has officially outgrown her FIFTY SHADES OF GREY days! While she’s been in some significant roles (BAD TIMES AT THE EL ROYALE, THE PEANUT BUTTER FALCON, etc.) I feel like most people still instantly connect her to the Fifty Shades franchise, which is ultimately fair. There were three films, but I’m glad to see that she hasn’t been typecast or anything silly like that. She continues to grow her career and take on new and challenging roles.
I have to give Apple credit; although I’m not a massive fan of their phones or computers, their streaming service continues to surprise me. It seems like they’re a fan of giving creators control too. I haven’t seen anything else by Cooper Raiff, but he wrote, directed, and starred in this. I’ve heard of his film SHITHOUSE but just haven’t gotten around to reading it.
While I think Raiff may have worn too many hats for this production, his character seemed messy because I don’t think his story was ever streamlined. I will say that his scenes with Burghardt were my favorites, there was something about their back, and forth that just made me smile the entire time.
As a whole, I don’t think Apple will be taking home any Oscar nominations for this, but that has more to do with its release window than anything. I would love to see Burghardt get a supporting nomination, but the Academy has a short memory, and I think we may be a few months too early here.
A simple story that had a few road bumps; as I had mentioned previously, it just felt like it lost focus at times. Honestly, that’s not a significant knock on it; It was thoughtful and heartfelt; I think there was some true passion put into this; it feels like it came from a very personal place. If you’re looking for something to watch and have Apple TV+, I recommend it.
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