One Woman’s Story About Loss, Acceptance, and Understanding
Queen of Glory
Genre: Comedy
Year Released: 2022
Runtime: 1h 18m
Director(s): Nana Mensah
Writer(s): Nana Mensah
Cast: Nana Mensah, Meeko Gattuso, Oberon K.A. Adjepong, Adam Leon, Russell G. Jones, Anya Migdal
Where To Watch: Theatrical premiere on Friday, July 15, 2022, at Brooklyn's Bam Rose Cinemas; additional markets to follow
Another day, another remarkable film; that seems to be a trend as of late, and I’m thrilled by this turn of events! I don’t know where to start with this review; I wasn’t sure what to expect, but what I got exceeded all my expectations!
Nana Mensah (Sarah Obeng) led this cast and gave an incredible performance that will stick with me for a long time! However, without the other lead in the film Meeko (Pitt), there would’ve been a considerable gap in the story's heart. The film's synopsis on IMDb simply reads, “Ghanaian-American Sarah is all set to abandon her Ivy League doctoral program to follow her married lover across the country,” which makes my heart happy because it doesn’t tell you anything about the film ruins it.
A refreshing story that tells a tale mixing both American and African aspects and cultures into one movie. I love that Writer/Director/Star Nana Mensah wanted to create a film to see people like her and then did it. Even the story has an essence of her life, making the entire movie much better. This was in no small part thanks to the team Mensah and her producers created to make this film happen.
There is something so sincere about a film that mirrors life, something that you can’t just recreate with a made-up story. Mensah crafted a story that had passion and heart but also told an important story of acceptance and understanding. Even when things look bleak, there can be a silver lining to the moments in life that seem the darkest. You just have to be the best version of yourself, and often you’ll find the light.
This was a relatively short and easy film to watch at only an hour and eighteen minutes. I will sometimes get burned out when a movie is too long, but Mensah was able to tell this story in a condensed format and still have an incredible impact.
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