Passion and Persistence on the Senior Circuit

Read Time:3 Minute, 41 Second

Super Seniors (Silver Servers)


Genre: Documentary
Year Released: 2024
Runtime: 1h 37m
Director(s): Dan Lobb
Where To Watch: on UK Digital June 17, 2024, from Bohemia Media

RAVING REVIEW: Venturing into the captivating world of senior athletics, you read that correctly! This documentary challenges conventional narratives about age and sports. The film focuses not on the young, fresh-faced athletes we are used to but on a group of vibrant seniors whose passion for tennis rivals that of the pros. Featuring the extraordinary Leonid Stanislavskyi, a 95-year-old titan of the sport, and John Powless, whose journey in the film marked one of his final contributions before his passing, the documentary isn't just about matches; it’s a testament to perseverance and life's tenacious spirit.

The action unfolds at the International Tennis Federation Senior World Championship, an event that outshines even Wimbledon in scale, with over 800 matches played by more than 585 seasoned athletes. Etty Marouani, an 82-year-old style icon and athletic powerhouse, and King Van Nostrand, an 85-year-old sporting legend with 43 world titles, are spotlighted, demonstrating that style and stamina can go hand-in-hand. Through the adept lens of Dan Lobb, a former tennis star turned director, the film delves into these athletes' lives, crafting a narrative that’s as much about their sportsmanship as it is about their indomitable will to compete and connect.

Slated for its digital release in the UK on June 17, 2024, this film is set to entertain and inspire. It portrays the tennis court as a battleground where age does not dictate ability, encouraging viewers to rethink what it means to age gracefully and vigorously. Lobb’s insightful direction offers a deep dive into the lives and motivations of these athletes, painting a picture of aging that challenges societal norms and celebrates a commitment to lifelong passion and activity.

The film's appeal never wanes, largely thanks to Stanislavskyi, who nears the century mark with a vitality that electrifies the screen. His presence underscores the film's core philosophy that age should never be a barrier to ambition and enjoyment. This is further reflected in the compelling visuals and heartwarming narratives that fill the documentary, providing a potent mix of inspiration and introspection. Despite injuries and more hurdles than most, all of this, with a passion for the sport, the competition, and the camaraderie!

As the credits roll, the film's impact remains, stirring thoughts on the possibilities that await us all later in life and reshaping perceptions about personal potential, regardless of age. This is more than a documentary; it is a vibrant celebration of life, an ode to those who chase their passions relentlessly, and a powerful reminder that the pursuit of joy and fulfillment knows no age limit. It makes me think that maybe I should push myself a little more than I do; I’m not half as active as they are, even at half their age.

This thoughtfully crafted film achieves a delicate balance between entertaining viewers and imparting a meaningful message, ensuring that its themes of perseverance, joy, and aging resonate well beyond its viewing. It's a compelling watch that does more than just narrate; it inspires, motivates, and uplifts.

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[photo courtesy of BOHEMIA MEDIA]

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