Poetic Performance Highlights Housing Crisis

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A Home on Every Floor (Det finnes ingen naboer her lenger)


Genre: Documentary, Short
Year Released: 2023
Runtime: 11m
Director(s): Signe Rosenlund-Hauglid
Writer(s): Hanna Asefaw
Where To Watch: shown at the 2024 Atlanta Film Fest and 2024 Hot Docs International Documentary Festival

RAVING REVIEW: As soon as you step into the miniaturized world of A HOME ON EVERY FLOOR, you are transported into the meticulously crafted version of Oslo’s Grünerløkka, reflecting Hanna Asefaw's challenging upbringing. Directed by Signe Rosenlund-Hauglid, this documentary cleverly binds together heartfelt nostalgia and incisive social commentary, highlighting gentrification's effects.

Set against a backdrop unlike any documentary I’ve seen before, the film opens up Asefaw’s childhood to the world, bringing to life a multicultural community through literal tiny windows into her past. Detailed miniatures are more than just props in the film; they’re potent symbols of the shrinking living spaces in a city caught in the throes of redevelopment. Through these small scenes, the film magnifies how urban renewal impacts communities, particularly those not privileged enough to stake a claim in the revamped cityscape.

The director, Rosenlund-Hauglid, leverages these visual elements to draw the audience into a deeper understanding of displacement. This creative choice enhances the story, inviting viewers to see gentrification through a new lens that juxtaposes the warmth of a close-knit community against the stark reality of economic and social upheaval.

Asefaw’s dynamic spoken word performance layers the visual experience with a potent blend of personal memories and broad socio-economic critique. Her voice serves as a bridge, connecting her memories with the sweeping changes affecting similar urban environments globally. The integration of spoken word into the film amplifies its themes. It highlights the role of art and poetry in championing community resilience and documenting the often-overshadowed stories of displacement.

A HOME ON EVERY FLOOR animates the miniature settings, infusing them with a life that captivates the audience. The film’s cinematography is the key to making these sets more than their pieces. It cleverly manipulates scale and perspective to pull the audience into the miniature world, transforming the minuscule into something truly monumental.

As the narrative unfolds, Asefaw’s thoughts morph into a powerful call to action, advocating for those displaced by the relentless push of urban development. The documentary’s exploration of spoken word as a transformative tool underscores the profound impact storytelling can have in addressing and redressing social injustices.

A HOME ON EVERY FLOOR transcends the traditional documentary format, merging artistic expression with social activism to challenge viewers to reconsider who benefits from the policies shaping our cities. More than just a cinematic exploration of personal history, it is a poignant critique of contemporary urban development strategies and their impact on human lives. It was a brilliant idea to take what many would consider a child's toy and use it to tell such a powerful story.

Through its innovative format and compelling storytelling, A HOME ON EVERY FLOOR doesn’t just entertain—it enlightens, contributing to the discourse on urban planning and community displacement. By focusing on the minutiae of childhood in miniature, the film brings to light the profound and often heartrending realities of those living in the shadows of urban progress.

For more reviews, please visit https://linktr.ee/overlyhonestmr

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[photo courtesy of ROSENLUND FILM]

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