Riveting Portrayal of Today’s Issues
Genre: Drama
Year Released: 2023
Runtime: 1h 31m
Director(s): Kevin Casanova Abrams
Writer(s): Claire Audrey Aguayo
Cast: Esméralda Camargo, Mia King, Max Pelayo, Theo Taplitz, Ricky Catter
Where To Watch: releases in Theaters in Los Angeles and New York on September 1, 2023, and VOD on September 12 via Screen Media
RAVING REVIEW: MARISOL dives deep, striking a chord with the viewers in reflecting on contemporary challenges. Imagine experiencing the life of Marisol Rivera, brought to life by the talented Esmeralda Camargo. The screen practically sizzles with her raw intensity as she channels the plight and hopes of countless undocumented individuals. Remember the name, folks: Esmeralda Camargo is taking the cinematic world by storm, and although this is her first feature film, she has a bright future ahead.
Dynamic director Kevin Cassanova Abrams leads the charge, stirring up a cinematic cocktail rich in dreams, identity, and the sheer force of resilience. Abrams doesn't just stick to the script; he infuses the screen with traces of his Mexican-American lineage, seamlessly weaving in tales of his ancestors. These glimpses into his family's storied past, from his grandmother's activism to the dedication of his uncle, a Chicano activist, paint a broader picture of the vibrant Mexican-American community.
Kudos to the brilliant scriptwriter Claire Audrey Aguayo, whose words craft a dynamic tapestry on screen. Through her eloquent words and Abrams’ visionary direction, each character, from major to minor, has a tale to tell. The viewer is gently pulled into this captivating whirlpool of emotions, life stories, and transformative journeys. Traditionally, the script is one of the last things I notice in a film; I focus so much on the acting. However, in this case, you can tell there was a heart in these words.
Embarking on her voyage, Marisol witnesses human emotions ranging from heart-warming moments that'd make you want to reach out and hug the screen to tense face-offs with bigotry and the narratives that will make you feel to your core. Although not aggressive, the soundtrack is a constant reminder of the moments being lived on screen. While MARISOL is a standout film, its focus on law enforcement occasionally feels narrow; while it was vitally important to have this aspect in the movie, I would have liked to have seen more. I would have also wanted to see the political puppet masters behind that level on the screen; let's root for a director's cut with more of everything. This is one of those films I couldn’t get enough of.
Stepping away from the regular drama and action, Abrams employs MARISOL as a beacon, spotlighting the real stories beyond sensational headlines. It serves as a poignant reminder of the rich tapestry of cultures, notably the vivacious Latino and Mexican communities, contributing to America's vibrant palette.
MARISOL is more than a movie; it's a heartfelt journey traversing dreams, dilemmas, and the quest for identity. Intricately crafted, brimming with robust performances, and underscored by resonant themes, MARISOL beckons to all. Dive in, let the narrative wash over you, and emerge enriched.
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[photo courtesy of ALPINE LABS, SCREEN MEDIA]
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