Scotland’s Ethereal Beauty Takes Center Stage

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Mercy Falls


Genre: Horror, Thriller
Year Released: 2023
Runtime: 1h 43m
Director(s): Ryan Hendrick
Writer(s): Meliá Grasska, Ryan Hendrick
Cast: Lauren Lyle, Nicolette McKeown, James Watterson, Layla Kirk, Joe Rising, Eoin Sweeney, Gilly Gilchrist
Where To Watch: UK theatrical release on September 1, 2023, on digital November 6

RAVING REVIEW: Prepare yourself for a fresh serving of mystery courtesy of director/co-writer Ryan Hendrick in the form of MERCY FALLS. Picture this: the pristine Scottish Highlands, city folk on a quest led by the persuasive Rhona (a commendable performance by Lauren Lyle), hoping to decode the secrets of a family cabin. But here’s the twist! Along comes Carla, brought to life by Nicolette McKeown.

Forget the usual city folks lost in the wilds; MERCY FALLS cleverly dives into the deep end of emotional whirlpools, revealing layers of deception and truths hidden in plain sight. You’ve all seen lost adventurers in unknown lands before! What sets this apart is that danger, this time, wears a familiar face.

As Carla strides in, the ambiance of the movie shifts; she’s not just lacing up her hiking boots; she’s shaking the foundation of the group’s dynamics. The film’s beating heart is the captivating tango of trust and mistrust between Rhona and Carla. As Rhona seeks clarity, Carla remains a puzzle, with her past casting long, mysterious shadows.

MERCY FALLS breaks the chains of some genre clichés, showcasing formidable women while giving the cold shoulder to the often-seen damsels in distress. However, the film occasionally dips its toes in the pond of predictability. Some interactions with Carla, especially by secondary characters, follow a well-trodden path.

While MERCY FALLS showcases the wild beauty of Scotland that steals your breath away, it does stumble in its narrative stride. Sometimes, character choices seem driven more by script necessities than genuine human instinct. Shaving off 15-30 minutes could’ve added more punch to its story.

Still, hang in there for the climax! It’s a showdown between Rhona’s grit and Carla’s whims. However, there are instances where Carla’s essence feels dialed down, which is a shame because her performance ensures the audience stays on the edge of their seats. Credit to Hendrick and co-writer Meliá Grasska, as they weave a tale that keeps the audience’s gaze unwavering until the end, even with the film’s struggles.

Peeling back its layers, MERCY FALLS is a commentary on the fragility of human relationships, the balance of trust, and the haunting past that occasionally peeks from the shadows. Melding the Scottish wild’s raw charisma with the capriciousness of human nature, the movie sketches its unique signature amid familiar horror storylines.

While MERCY FALLS might not be the brightest star in this year’s release schedule, it has its luminous moments. With their remarkable performances, Lauren Lyle and Nicolette McKeown lend it a charm that’s hard to overlook. It invites those with a penchant for cerebral adventures set in enchanting locales. Grab a seat and dive into the mysteries of MERCY FALLS!

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[photo courtesy of BINGO FILMS]

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