Scotland’s Shadows Stretch Over Sinister Story

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When Darkness Falls


Genre: Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Year Released: 2023
Runtime: 1h 40m
Director(s): Nathan Shepka
Writer(s): Tom Jolliffe, Nathan Shepka
Cast: Michaela Longden, Emma O'Hara, Nathan Shepka, Craig McEwan, Ben Brinicombe, Tony MacDonald, Niamh O'Donnell
Where To Watch: On UK digital on October 2, 2023, from Miracle Media Limited

RAVING REVIEW: A journey into WHEN DARKNESS FALLS is like an unexpected rain shower on a seemingly sun-filled day. It begins with a gentle sprinkle of suspense, steadily escalating into a storm of terror. Nathan Shepka, the director of this excursion, alongside co-writer Tom Jolliffe, strives to weave a narrative that balances the serene beauty of the Scottish Highlands with the sinister undertones of an unforeseen peril.

The narrative unfolds as American tourists Jess (Michaela Longden) and Andrea (Emma O'Hara) venture into the quaint yet mysterious trails of the Highlands. Their path crosses with the ominous figures of Nate (Nathan Shepka) and Tommy (Craig McEwan), setting the screen ablaze with contrasting shades of dread and suspense. The cinematic voyage takes a darker tone as they step into a quaint tavern, where the soothing landscape outside veils the ominous narrative about to unfold.

Jess and Andrea’s expedition transitions from a tranquil into a sinister chase, contrasting emotions. The scenery, too, morphs from a mere backdrop to an atmospheric character, resonating with the narrative's perilous turns. Each frame, filled with apprehension and unyielding suspense, clutches the audience tighter as they delve deeper into the unknown. And that’s about it; with several cast members delivering cringeworthy performances and stale dialogue, the film struggles to use the gorgeous scenery or build on anything plot-wise.

Jess's character arc is a mix of fear and moments of courage. It subtly invites the audience to experience her dread and desire to unravel the mystery shrouding them. The narrative dives into the murky waters of human emotions and deceit, playing with the shades of desperation and hope that linger amidst the eerie silence of the Highlands. Many good ideas are mixed here, but the painful deliveries or possibly the script that feels incomplete caused the film never truly to get off the ground.

WHEN DARKNESS FALLS does a commendable job of encapsulating the eerie allure of the Scottish highlands, the visuals present a mix between the soothing serenity of the landscape and the ominous undertow of the unfolding plot.

However, this voyage hits more than a few rocks along the way. The pacing could have followed a more rhythmic beat to keep the adrenaline pumping and the mystery escalating. While the prologue sets a sinister undertone, a more intricately woven connection with the evolving narrative would have created a tighter grip on the audience's anticipation. The dialogue, lacking any depth, could have carried the eerie ambiance further into the audience's hearts.

Though packed with revelations, the climax could have hit a more challenging, more impactful note had it maneuvered toward a conclusion that felt like it carried any weight. A tighter ending could have escalated the heart-thumping suspense, leaving a lasting echo in the cinematic halls.

WHEN DARKNESS FALLS manages to carve out a narrative where tranquility and terror co-exist, challenging the serene surface with every ripple of suspense, beckoning the viewer into a hauntingly picturesque yet dangerous expedition into the shadowy realms of deceit and fear, the eerie unpredictability sewn throughout makes WHEN DARKNESS FALLS an intriguing yet tedious venture.

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[photo courtesy of MIRACLE MEDIA LIMITED]

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