Surreal Tasks Test a Father’s Resolve

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Live One


Genre: Drama
Year Released: 2024
Runtime: 1h 52m
Director(s): Dallas Ryan
Writer(s): Dallas Ryan
Cast: Dallas Ryan, Chloe Gay Brewer, Ryan Vania, Stephen Thomas Abbott, Daisy Dolittle Roberts, Michelle Liner, Steve Bilecz, Rodney Brown, Vanor Schmitt, Anna Beatriz Tagliaferri Schmitt, Bonnie Brown, Sean Vickrey
Where To Watch: TBA

RAVING REVIEW: From the moment Dallas Ryan, as David, wakes to find his daughter missing, a sense of suffocating claustrophobia sets the stage for what is to unfold. Trapped in his home, he becomes entangled in a sinister plot delivered through a burner phone, orchestrating his every move through bizarre and morally compromising tasks. This setup promises a thrilling ride, intertwining dark humor with psychological suspense, yet it teeters on the brink of its convoluted ambitions.

As David delves deeper into the abyss of his mysterious caller’s games, the film ventures into territories where the fantastical blurs with reality. Tasks that test his ethics and sanity introduce a mix of time warps and otherworldly phenomena, crafting a canvas where anything seems possible. Yet, the film struggles to maintain this momentum throughout. The initial intrigue, while captivating, is bogged down by its complexity and could have benefited from a more streamlined narrative to keep the suspense tight and the pacing brisk.

Ryan brings a multi-layered performance to his character in his dual role as lead actor and the creative mind behind the project. He navigates through a spectrum of emotions, from sheer panic to a twisted and, at times, confusing portrayal, understated humor that maintains engagement even as the film’s tempo falters. Despite his commendable effort, the film occasionally loses its narrative thread amidst less cohesive segments. These include moments that are meant to shock with references to Hitler and cringe-worthy actions.

The visual storytelling is ambitious, with scenes that amplify the film’s eerie atmosphere. Surreal montages, like a frantic search for a concealed envelope underscored by an unexpectedly vibrant techno beat, inject an element of the absurd that is both disorienting and intriguing. However, these artistic flourishes often feel disjointed, as if adrift from the main storyline, muddying the overall impact rather than enhancing it.

Ryan’s direction ambitiously attempts to overcome the constraints of the film’s predominantly single setting. He injects a palpable sense of claustrophobia and foreboding into each frame. However, his efforts sometimes constrict the story's flow, making the setting feel more like a trap than a stage for high-stakes drama. Chloe Gay Brewer shines briefly as Monica, David’s ex-wife, infusing her limited screen time with depth and complexity.

The film’s resolution attempts to weave together its scattered narrative strands to provoke thought on the nature of reality and personal sacrifice. Although it effectively ties up the storylines, the climax feels rushed, reflecting the difficulty of balancing elaborate themes within the confines of indie film production.

Overall, the film is a bold endeavor with a compelling premise and a solid central performance. However, it struggles to reach its potential, getting lost in complexity and failing to engage consistently. While unique and daring in narrative ambition, its approach to the thriller genre will resonate with some viewers, especially those who enjoy the low-budget style seen in the film.

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