The Beginning of Shudders 61 Days of Halloween
Who Invited Them
Genre: Horror
Year Released: 2022
Runtime: 1h 21m
Director(s): Duncan Birmingham
Writer(s): Duncan Birmingham
Cast: Ryan Hansen, Melissa Tang, Timothy Granaderos, Perry Mattfeld
Where To Watch: available exclusively on Shudder on Thursday, September 1
The beginning of a hectic season for Shudder (as per usual) we see their first original release of September. In the following “61 days of Halloween,” Shudder will release 11 original movies exclusive to their platform. Plus, three new series will be coming to the platform as well.
I won’t lie; the film was a bit of a slow burn, but once it started to catch fire, it engulfed everything around it. With a small central cast of just four (outside of a few scenes), I feel it was important that most you may have seen from other shows or films, but in general, they were all fresh faces that felt familiar. Especially Timothy Granaderos, who resembles the late Anton Yelchin (in my opinion.) Perry Mattfeld also reminded me of someone, but for my life, I couldn’t place who, so if you know, definitely get in touch with me and let me know!
The story was very self-contained but had enough of a twist that allowed you not to know what you thought you knew. This was quite a shock to me because, based on what I had seen of Shudder originals, I hadn’t expected such a dramatic deep dive. There's no shame on most of their other originals, but this was a much more dramatic story/thriller than I initially expected.
I think the only thing I would’ve changed about the film would be to sprinkle more hints/surprises about the twist earlier on throughout the film. It came primarily at the end and almost felt overwhelming. I would be curious if there were just things I missed, so if you watch it and notice anything, let me know!
I’m excited to see everything else Shudder has to offer over the next two months. This is my first time checking out their Halloween lineup, so it’s pretty exciting!
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I’m interested in this by reading your review I love a movie with a good twist