The Price of Perfection, Human Evolution Redefined
Crimes of the Future
Genre: Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi
Year Released: 2022, 2023 Second Sight
Runtime: 1h 47m
Director(s): David Cronenberg
Writer(s): David Cronenberg
Cast: Viggo Mortensen, Léa Seydoux, Kristen Stewart
Where To Watch: available September 11, 2023, pre-order here now www.secondsightfilms.co.uk
RAVING REVIEW: David Cronenberg once again proves his ability to bend our minds and redefine how we perceive storytelling with his latest work, CRIMES OF THE FUTURE. Dive into an alternate reality where humans don't evolve; they transform, morph, and practically reinvent themselves into something… else.
Now, let's paint a picture. Diseases and pain are ancient history. But every rose has its thorn, and in this newfound freedom, citizens venture into surreal acts of self-expression, chasing emotional peaks that once came in pill form. Viggo Mortensen, as Saul Tenser, takes center stage with a rare talent: he's a human organ factory. And if that wasn't intriguing enough, Léa Seydoux’s Caprice harnesses this ability, turning it into the town's hottest topic.
Yet, only some people are on board this transformation train. Kristen Stewart's Timlin observes that surgeries aren’t just about healing anymore. Forget tattoos; it's all about changing your body in the most unexpected ways. Want an ear on your elbow? Why not?
Your movie-watching experience will be full of thoughts like, "Did I just see that?" and "Whoa, rewind!”. The narrative depth will occasionally pull you into a deep sea of reflection but, like a sudden whirlpool, might toss you into a quirky alternate dimension where things feel just a smidge too peculiar.
Mortensen brilliantly navigates through this maze, portraying the human spirit's resilience and beauty. Still, some of the film's themes simultaneously try to juggle fire and ice. Cronenberg’s brave parallels between extreme body changes and pressing real-world issues might leave you scratching your head more than usual.
But let’s face it, Cronenberg’s visuals are always a conversation starter. His vivid representation of a society obsessed with surgeries and body mods isn't nightmare-fuel, but it's a mind trip that’ll stick with you, guaranteed. It's a mixed bag; some might see it as a cinematic revelation, while others might find it peculiarly entertaining. This is a film that I entered into expecting not to like, so walking away from it only having a few issues when things got “too weird” for no reason was pretty refreshing.
CRIMES OF THE FUTURE is more than an extension of past works; it's a unique creature that tests the waters between brilliance and bewilderment. The impact is undeniable, stirring viewers to reconsider beauty, pain, and where the human race is headed.
Wrapping things up, CRIMES OF THE FUTURE nods to Cronenberg die-hards but might feel like a treasure hunt for first-timers. Regardless of the lens you view it through, it's a testament to Cronenberg's narrative sorcery. This film, a delightful mix of awe-inspiring moments coupled with head-scratchers, proves storytelling can push boundaries, stimulate, and entertain in the most unexpected ways.
– Dual format edition including both UHD and Blu-ray with main feature and bonus features on both discs
– UHD presented in Dolby Vision HDR
– New audio commentary by Caelum Vatnsdal
– Undeniably a Love Story: An Interview with Director David Cronenberg
– Things Change: An interview with Actor Viggo Mortensen
– The Chaos Inside: An Interview with Actor Léa Seydoux
– The Heat and the Grime: An Interview with Actor Kristen Stewart
– The Bureau Man: a new interview with Actor Don McKellar
– Painkiller: A New Interview with Producer Robert Lantos
– The Most Wonderful Dream: A New Interview with Cinematographer Douglas Koch
– The Code of David: A New Interview with Editor Christopher Donaldson
– New Flesh, Future Crimes: The Body and David Cronenberg – a video essay by Leigh Singer
– The Making of Crimes of the Future
– Production Design Materials
– Short film: The Death of David Cronenberg
Limited Edition Contents
– Rigid slipcase with new artwork by Marko Manev
– 120-page book with new essays by Reyna Cervantes, Tim Coleman, Joel Harley, Rich Johnson, Mikel J Koven, Phil Nobile Jr., Ian Schultz, and Hannah Strong
– Six collectors' art cards
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[photo courtesy of SECOND SIGHT]
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