Tragic and Beautiful All in One
Four Good Days
Genre: Drama
Year Released: 2020
Runtime: 1h 40m
Director: Rodrigo García
Writer(s): Eli Saslow, Rodrigo García, Amanda Wendler (inspired by)
Cast: Mila Kunis, Glenn Close
Where To Watch: Hulu
This film proves my point about the Oscars more than any film this year. It was nominated for best original song for “Somehow You Do” – a song by Reba McEntire, which was a fantastic song, but the film wasn’t given any love for the acting by Close or Kunis, which I feel is a shame personally. A friend of mine said that this reminded him of a Hallmark film if it had different actors (I disagree and feel he hasn’t watched a Hallmark movie recently lol.)
In 2018, a film called “Beautiful Boy” starring Steve Carrell and Timothée Chalamet. After the first few minutes of this film, I assumed it would follow a very similar path. Thankfully it took a different approach, and I was glad that it did; it was unique, and honestly, I think Kunis stole the show. I’ve seen the dark side of some people, and she portrayed it to the letter. The hair and makeup styling helped, but you also have to have a certain level of soullessness that you can show to sell it.
I find it slightly ironic because I thought multiple times that I would be able to predict the outcome of the film, and yet I was wrong each time. Sure there were predictable moments, as there are in most movies, but as a whole, we have an Oscar-nominated film that didn’t follow the standard marks that I had assumed it would. The only real knock that I had was that they were instantly taken down a notch every time things seemed to get intense. Sometimes intensity and anxiety are needed to make a film something more.
One of the highlights for me was the sincerity of the connection between Close and Kunis; it showed how real life is. Things get frustrating when someone you love goes down a dark path, you want to help, you try to help, and sometimes you fail. Sometimes you fail over and over and over again. Sometimes you have the heart to keep trying, but sometimes if your heart gets broken too many times, it can feel like you’re hurt and want to give up.
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I am not HUGE into drama however… Cujo does like to mix it up a bit. He tells me I watch to much horror. And.. I think we might have to give this one a go. Only because your remarks on the predictability of the movie. I am a snob and will accept predictablity in my horror movies.. But really dislike it dramas, comedies, and action movies. I know it makes no sense. But I will be adding this to my list.