Unraveling the Enigma: a Chilling Tale

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It’s Not Over


Genre: Thriller
Year Released: 2024
Runtime: 1h 31m
Director(s): Alessandro Riccardi
Writer(s): Alessandro Riccardi
Cast: Gianni Capaldi, Weronika Rosati, Ian Reddington, Christopher Lambert
Where To Watch: On Demand and Digital June 25, 2024

RAVING REVIEW: First and foremost, I recommend not watching the trailer for this film if you want to watch it; it gives away too much. IT'S NOT OVER delivers an engaging psychological thriller that unearths the enigmatic relationship between Sarah (Weronika Rosati) and Max (Gianni Capaldi.) When Sarah's abusive husband dies unexpectedly, her affair with Max is thrust into the open. As their relationship intensifies, Max becomes increasingly suspicious of Sarah, uncovering hidden, darker facets of her character.

Director Alessandro Riccardi’s debut feature nods to the atmospheric tension found in classic horror films. Working with Capaldi and Rosati, Riccardi weaves a suspenseful narrative, gradually unraveling the mystery of Sarah’s past and her eerie hobby. This macabre pastime serves as a chilling metaphor for her manipulative tendencies.

Christopher Lambert brings depth to his portrayal of Frank in a unique role, depicting a man torn between affection and suspicion. The film excels in maintaining tension through minimalist dialogue and confined settings, creating an atmosphere of claustrophobia. Despite its modest budget, the production amplifies a sense of dread, focusing on character-driven scenes where every gesture carries significance.

Cinematographer Roberto Lucarelli masterfully captures the characters' bleak emotional landscapes, using shadows and light to reflect their inner turmoil. Sandro Di Stefano’s haunting score enhances the film's dark tone, adding unease to the unfolding story.

While the film has strong points, including a compelling narrative and strong performances, it also has challenges. Some dialogue feels stiff, and certain scenes need help conveying the intended emotional impact. However, these minor flaws are overshadowed by the film’s overall execution.

Riccardi’s homage to horror classics is evident, mainly through visual motifs reminiscent of some of Dario Argento’s work. The film has several aspects that truly draw viewers into the psychological depths of the narrative. This blend of homage and originality showcases Riccardi’s grasp of the genre and his ability to craft a story that feels both familiar and innovative.

IT'S NOT OVER stands out as a promising debut for Riccardi. It encapsulates the essence of a psychological thriller by blending suspense with psychological intrigue. The film explores themes of deception, obsession, and the darkness within human nature, making it a compelling watch for genre enthusiasts. While it may not redefine the genre, it adds a fresh voice, promising a bright future for Riccardi and leaving audiences eager for his next project.

IT'S NOT OVER blends suspense and psychological depth, making it an intriguing watch for thriller fans. Despite some dialogue hiccups and emotional gaps in certain scenes, the film’s strong narrative and performances still make this a must-watch genre film. Its low-budget production does not detract from the film’s impact; instead, it enhances the tension and dread that permeate the story.

IT'S NOT OVER offers a fresh perspective on psychological thrillers, promising a bright future for Riccardi. Its exploration of dark themes and homage to classic horror ensures a compelling viewing experience. The film’s ability to maintain suspense and deliver strong character portrayals makes it a noteworthy addition to the thriller genre.

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[photo courtesy of LIONSGATE]

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