Unveiling Africa’s Invisible Scars of French Rule
Money, Freedom, A Story of CFA Franc (L'argent, la liberté, une histoire du Franc CFA)
Genre: Documentary
Year Released: 2023
Runtime: 1h 42m
Director(s): Katy Ndiaye
Where To Watch: TBA
RAVING REVIEW: Prepare to embark on a fascinating voyage through time with MONEY, FREEDOM, A STORY OF THE CFA FRANC. This brilliant documentary takes us right into the heart of West and Central Africa, spinning a narrative that stitches together elements of history, politics, and economics. We find ourselves in countries like Gabon, Senegal, Benin, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, and Mali, each bearing the invisible scars of French colonial rule.
Despite these nations taking massive leaps in democracy, they're haunted by a relic from their colonial past: the CFA Franc. The talented Senegalese-French director, Katy Ndiaye, acts as our guide, pulling back the veil on the profound political implications of this currency, whose history stretches back to colonial trade.
Ndiaye creates an intricate narrative pattern using threads of perspectives from a colorful cast of characters. The lineup includes scholars, erstwhile lawmakers, and economists across multiple African nations. These narratives, interspersed with rich archival footage and sharp political soundbites from French leaders, form a magnificent cinematic story.
As we journey further into this film, the narrative thickens, plunging us deep into the socio-political labyrinth of the CFA Franc. We find ourselves traveling to the period when France decided to infuse this financial tool into its colonies. The firsthand accounts of economists and politicians from the West African region, who witnessed this critical juncture in history, create a thought-stirring echo from the past. The narrative doesn't shy away from the complex back and forth between the IMF's policies and the slowed growth of West African nations, all tied to the perplexing CFA Franc issues.
The story takes an interesting turn as it delves into true independence. Is it even a possibility when the colonial “rulers” still control the financial means of their liberation? The narrative follows the evolution of the CFA Franc, once celebrated by France as a blessing for their African counterparts. This currency, tied to the French Franc, was readily accepted by Central and West African nations. But was it a wolf in sheep's clothing, stripping these nations of their power to set their monetary policies?
As the curtain falls, the film thrusts a critical question into the spotlight. Is the upcoming shift from the CFA Franc to the new ECO merely a cosmetic change or a landmark step toward economic autonomy? MONEY, FREEDOM, A STORY OF THE CFA FRANC leaves us on this cliffhanger, capturing Africa's ongoing journey towards self-reinvention while echoing its pre-colonial legacy. Is this transition just for show, or a stride towards genuine economic self-rule and a fairer deal for African workers? The resolution is artfully left dangling, injecting more suspense into this cinematic spectacle.
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[photo courtesy of ICARUS FILMS]
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