When a Night of Excess Takes a Dark Turn

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The Escort

18+ –     

Genre: Thriller
Year Released: 2024
Runtime: 2h
Director(s): Lukas Nola
Writer(s): Lukas Nola
Cast: Zrvko Anočić ,Krešimir Mikić, Nikša Butijer, Hrvojka Begović, Igor Kovač, Hrvoje Barišić, Paško Vukasović, Lena Medar
Where To Watch: making its North American Exclusive Premiere on June 28, 2024, on the SVOD service IndiePix Unlimited, available via Amazon Prime Video

RAVING REVIEW: In Croatian cinema, THE ESCORT emerges as a striking piece that brings director Lukas Nola's distinguished career to a dramatic close. We're plunged into a plot thick with suspense, where Miro (Zivko Anocic,) a celebrated commercial videographer, is caught in a storm of blackmail and betrayal. His entanglement begins tragically when Maja (Lena Medar,) an escort mysteriously sent to his room, is found dead, catapulting Miro into a sinister plot orchestrated by the hotel's staff.

In his final directorial piece, Nola crafts a blend of erotic allure and suspenseful storytelling. The plot is carefully constructed to amplify the tension in each frame, underpinned by Nola’s skilled direction. The film benefits from the formidable performances of Krešimir Mikić as Belc and Nikša Butijer as Davor, whose roles infuse the narrative with a darkly comic tone that sharpens the story's more sinister edges, keeping viewers on their toes.

Visually, the film is a work of contrasts, with cinematographer Frane Pamić painting each scene with shades that reflect the story's dark themes. The score by Aleksandar Pejovski transitions smoothly between mournful classical pieces and intense rhythms, mirroring the escalating tension within the plot.

Miro is at the center of this complex web, portrayed profoundly by Anočić. His portrayal captures Miro's descent from a life marked by peace to one overshadowed by chaos and moral ambiguity. The film delves into themes of deception and personal integrity, challenging the audience to contemplate the human condition through its rich exploration of characters.

Miro’s ordeal becomes a mirror reflecting the ethical decay and rampant duplicity in the shadows of society. Each decision he makes, each corner he turns, reveals another layer of conspiracy and corruption, challenging the viewer to question where collaboration ends, and innocence begins. This exploration adds a philosophical depth to the thriller, transforming a personal crisis into a commentary on the universal battle between right and wrong.

Under Nola's hand, the cast delivers stellar performances. Hrvojka Begović, playing Miro's wife, Darija, adds depth, enhancing the narrative's impact. The script, laden with layered dialogue and subtle threats, deepens the character development, allowing viewers to glimpse into each role's complexities.

Steering clear of the usual thriller tropes, THE ESCORT draws its audience into a deeply woven narrative that explores character development in a raw, unfiltered manner. The film's climax, marked by a unique and surreal filming approach, might divide viewers but powerfully highlights the film's underlying themes of moral decay and societal extravagance.

THE ESCORT is a profound exploration of dark societal elements and human psychology. Its bold narrative choices and stylistic flair set it apart in the landscape of genre cinema, promising that Nola’s visionary approach will endure. More than just a source of entertainment, the film invites its viewers to reflect on the repercussions of one tumultuous evening, blending elements of an erotic thriller with sharp societal critique.

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[photo courtesy of INDIEPIX FILMS]

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