You’ve Never Seen a Documentary Like This Before
JonBenét's Tricycle
Genre: Documentary
Year Released: 2018
Runtime: 1h 29m
Director: Andrew Novick
Writer: Corbin Gill, Andrew Novick
Where To Watch: Vimeo Rental
Every bit as odd as you’d imagine, this film explores a topic that could be considered strange or maybe even slightly morbid. However, it ended up being so much more interesting than I could’ve ever imagined. For anyone with a fascination with crimes, murder, etc., this would be a fantastic film to watch. The story of JonBenét Ramsey’s murder has been covered repeatedly; a few years back, there was another interesting documentary about her called “Casting JonBenet” I can fully understand if this topic turns you away. This past December marked the 25th anniversary of her untimely death. Somehow to date, no one has been charged with the heinous crime, even though many theories exist and so many issues with the crime are questionable.
This documentary isn’t about Ramsey’s murder (for the most part) but a collector and the film's director, Andrew Novick. Novick, a passionate collector, has a unique and varied collection. Including what is said to be JonBenét’s tricycle and other items from her home where she was found. Although the nature of the object seems strange to some, the way this documentary handled the subject was very respectful.
If I were to point out a negative to the film, it would be its reliance on the scenes with the “mediums” or fortune-tellers. While I understood and appreciated what Novick was going for, there was too much focus on that part of the film. I would’ve liked to hear more about his journey and how he came into possession of the items. Part of the IMDb synopsis reads, “An investigation of pop culture, media, tragedy and the items we possess,” and I can’t agree enough with that description. The collector aspect of the film hit home; I used to be a big collector of just about everything.
I can only hope that someday a piece of evidence comes to light that solves this mystery once and for all. Nothing will ever bring her back, but at least it would give those who knew her some closure; I can’t even imagine what it's like to lose someone and never know what happened.
Learn more on: www.jonbenetstricycle.com
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This is a rough topic in my opinion but the fact it was handled with care does make it easier to watch. I am not oblivious to the fact people can be morbid and like to collect items that the general public would deem.. wrong. Such as people collecting items from serial killers. I do think it is a touch odd to collect items from victims. Especially when we think about serial killers taking trophies from their victims.