Media Meets Drama: a Review

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On the Pulse (Vivants)


Genre: Drama
Year Released: 2023
Runtime: 1h 26m
Director(s): Alix Delaporte
Writer(s): Alix Delaporte, Alain Le Henry
Cast: Alice Isaaz, Roshdy Zem, Vincent Elbaz, Pascale Arbillot, Pierre Lottin, Jean-Charles Clichet
Language: French with English subtitles
Where To Watch: premiering September 6 at the 2023 Venice Film Festival

RAVING REVIEW: ON THE PULSE is here to remind us why we love movies about media. Picture this: Gabrielle (Alice Isaaz,) an eager young journalist, steps into the whirlwind world of top-tier news broadcasting. With the ink still fresh on her notepad and determination in her eyes, she faces off with the no-nonsense editor-in-chief, Vincent (Roschdy Zem.) All of the ingredients for an epic showdown, you see where this is headed!

Alix Delaporte, the director behind this dramatic tale of newsroom exploits, handles the film with an impactful vision. Delaporte's story of Gabrielle's rise resonates with genuine authenticity. It's almost like stepping into a behind-the-scenes reel of her own life. Delaporte isn't just directing; she’s sharing a slice of her heart.

Isaaz dazzles as Gabrielle and commands attention, urging viewers to root for her with every frame. And playing opposite Gabrielle, Zem's portrayal of Vincent is an elegant dance between steely resolve and heartwarming sensitivity. Their dynamic on-screen forms the movie's pulse (pun intended), capturing the essence of the bustling newsroom.

The opening credits are like flipping through a mesmerizing photo album chronicling the grit and grace of journalists over the years. Each snapshot tells a story, setting the stage for the cinematic journey ahead; we get a hint of things to come through a visual telling of the past.

ON THE PULSE isn’t just a newsroom drama; it’s a lens into the world of journalism. It grapples with weighty themes like the risk reporters take. Simply cinematic drama mixed with the tough questions, translating the complex emotions and struggles faced by journalists across ages.

The film manages to remain anchored in today's dynamic media landscape. Delaporte highlights the tightrope reporters walk, balancing age-old values and the relentless push of digital modernization. Delaporte cleverly threads a commentary on the evolving media industry throughout the narrative. As audience preferences shift, she nudges us to value genuine storytelling's essence; fact-based reporting will always remain essential in our world.

In a nutshell, ON THE PULSE feels like a love letter to journalism. While this isn’t Delaporte’s first mark in the cinematic realm, this offering cements her adaptability, shifting effortlessly from newsroom realities to crafting visual delights.

So, if you fancy a thrilling ride through the riveting world of journalism, ON THE PULSE should be on your radar. Delaporte's directorial finesse, blended with brilliant on-screen talent, promises an unforgettable cinematic journey. Though, like any great tale, there are moments where we wish there were just a smidge more depth. Still, it’s a ride worth taking. Step into this world, and you might leave with a newfound appreciation for the news world.

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