Synthesizing Narratives of Bold Beats

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Sisters with Transistors


Genre: Documentary, Music
Year Released: 2020, 2023 Kino Lorber Blu-ray
Runtime: 1h 32m
Director(s): Lisa Rovner
Where To Watch: available now, click here, or to order

RAVING REVIEW: The unfolding narrative of SISTERS WITH TRANSISTORS is like a musical score that transcends mere auditory delight and delves into realms of history, gender, and innovation. Through the lens of director Lisa Rovner, we are granted a backstage pass into the life and times of pioneering women who stormed the gates of the electronic music kingdom, a realm often misperceived as a boys-only club.

Guiding us through this riveting narrative is the compelling narration by Laurie Anderson. Like a conductor, she steers the narrative through the untamed sonic landscapes, revealing the extraordinary lives and ambitions of notable pioneers like Clara Rockmore, Suzanne Ciani, Daphne Oram, and Delia Derbyshire. The melodic crusade of these determined women, orchestrated through synthesizers and theremins, forms the crux of this narrative.

As the film reverberates through the history of electronic music, it threads a tale of self-expression, embodying the essence of societal defiance against rigid gender norms. It wasn’t just about the music but about breaking free from the oppressive society that enveloped them. Rovner crafts a journey through time, chronicling the exploratory zeal of these visionary women. Each emerges as a bold note in this composition, challenging norms and shattering glass ceilings with a symphony of electronic waves.

The beauty of SISTERS WITH TRANSISTORS lies in its ability to transcend mere retrospective narrative. It boldly faces the societal prejudices these pioneers navigated, capturing moments like when one reflected on the necessity of male accompaniment to gain serious attention, a mirror to the gender bias prevalent during their era.

The narrative doesn’t merely linger in the past but reverberates through the contemporary, acknowledging the indelible marks these heroines imprinted on the soundscape of electronic music. The essence of a legacy that braved traditionalism is unearthed and celebrated without a tint of sentimentalism. This documentary morphs from an exploration of the past to a call acknowledging the untapped female potential in tech-centric sectors across music and more. It echoes a strong sentiment that culture evolves when we listen, challenge, and innovate.

SISTERS WITH TRANSISTORS is a film and a dialogue between the past and present. It dismantles the misguided notion of a male-dominated music domain, urging a reflective pause on electronic music's often overlooked feminine resonance.

Lisa Rovner’s film is a vibrant narrative urging the audience to challenge the status quo, recognize the overlooked, and celebrate the uncelebrated. SISTERS WITH TRANSISTORS unravels the uncelebrated heroines of the genre, blending a captivating, evocative, and empowering tale with the mesmerizing charm of electronic music, narrating a story of bravery, innovation, and relentless resilience against societal biases. The harmonious narrative transcends from a visual narrative to a powerful societal critique, echoing through the timeless realm of electronic resonance.

Product Extras:
Women Behind the Machines: A Conversation on Women in Tech
Lisa Bella Donna Concert
Q&A with Lisa Rovner, Director of Sisters with Transistors
Electronic Music: The Sound of Liberation Panel
Theatrical Trailer

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[photo courtesy of KINO LORBER]

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