A Syndicate’s Game of Duplicity

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The Gamblers

G –     

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Year Released: 1970, 2023 VCI Entertainment Blu-ray
Runtime: 1h 33m
Director(s): Ron Winston
Writer(s): Nikolay Gogol, Ron Winston
Cast: Suzy Kendall, Don Gordon, Pierre Olaf, Kenneth Griffith, Stuart Margolin, Richard Ng, Massimo Serato, Faith Domergue, Relja Basic, Anthony Chinn
Where To Watch: available November 7, 2023; pre-order here www.vcientertainment.com, www.mvdshop.com, or www.amazon.com

RAVING REVIEW: As you wander through the cobblestoned lanes of 1970s Dubrovnik in THE GAMBLERS, you're not just witnessing a tale from yesteryears but embarking on a journey through a narrative given life by some lesser-known names but faces that you may recognize. What starts as a stroll rapidly escalates into a gripping exploration of this group's surprisingly powerful idea, proving that patience pays off.

Take a trip back in time to the vibrant 70s; THE GAMBLERS takes you on a ride through a unique take on a caper film, setting the stage for a clash of wits between cunning hustlers and the wealthy elite. Leading the pack is Stuart Margolin, in a performance that foreshadows his ascent to stardom. As Goldy, he crafts a character that should be a cornerstone of his illustrious career. Alongside him, Don Gordon, playing the tightfisted Rooney, executes his role with understated brilliance. They orchestrate a detailed plot to dupe well-off poker players, making for a tantalizing tango of trickery.

As the storyline unfurls, it feels like piecing together a complex jigsaw puzzle, each segment shedding light on the deceitful dynamics beneath the veneer of a serene tourist spot. The audience is in for a treat, courtesy of an array of budding talents destined for remarkable paths. The stage is set for a spectacle as diverse as it is enthralling. This is a different kind of caper film, and you can’t go into this expecting the same high-octane, big-budget ones we get today; this is an almost claustrophobic caper that gives the film a unique vibe.

The film’s attempts at humor occasionally stretch to resonate with the surroundings, and the musical score sometimes misses the crescendo its ambitious narrative demands. Nonetheless, in light of its modest budget and the era of its creation, these blemishes are overshadowed by its admirable aspirations.

At the helm, director Ron Winston navigates the narrative with a palpable finesse, drawing us into a maze of scams that build to a fulfilling outcome. Initially, THE GAMBLERS may appear unpolished, but for those who give it a chance, it transforms into a narrative that’s as intellectually engaging as it is entertaining.

From a technical standpoint, VCI Entertainment’s rendition of THE GAMBLERS honors the film despite some inevitable signs of aging. These minor imperfections are but a trifling concession for the privilege of enjoying this cinematic rarity.

THE GAMBLERS is like unearthing a time capsule, inviting viewers on a nostalgic expedition through an epoch where deception was elevated to an art form. The film's strengths are rooted not only in its riveting plot and robust performances but also in the allure of its picturesque setting.

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