Are You Comfortable Enough to Question Who You Are?

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Deconstructing Karen


Genre: Documentary
Year Released: 2022
Runtime: 1h 15m
Director(s): Patty Ivins Specht
Writer(s): Elisa Bonora, Patty Ivins Specht, Rit Saraswat
Where To Watch: Sunday, October 9th @1:45 PM PT (CinéArts Sequoia), Tuesday, October 11 @3:00 PM PT (Smith Rafael Film Center)

RAVING REVIEW: This is a film that will genuinely have you questioning yourself and how you feel about certain things in your life.

This is probably one of the most polarizing documentaries I’ve seen this year, with THE BOYS IN THE RED HATS nearly tied. If you’re too comfortable with yourself, you will probably be easily triggered by this one.

The documentary is simple, it looks at a group of women who consider themselves liberals or democrats and makes them question if that’s just a cover they’re wearing. These women let themselves be put into this position, and they are stronger alone just for that.

Having to answer for your feelings makes a huge difference in life. Too often, especially in the last five or so years, people have become so comfortable with “who they are” that anything that is questioned about them makes them feel like they’re being attacked and incredibly uncomfortable. While reacting negatively while being questioned is partially human nature, when facts are put in front of you, especially ones about you potentially being a better person than you are, you should be able to look at that with an open set of eyes.

Ironically, people who tend to have issues with how this film attacks racism probably have something profound seeded in themselves. It’s essential to look beyond what you think you know, what you think you’re doing, and what you could do better to help those around you. Privilege is real, and this film puts that in your face very upfront.

I’ve gone through an incredible evolution, starting in 2000 when I voted in my first election; 20 years later, I’m still learning who I am. Not only politically but also as a person in general. I think I’m a good person at the core, but I also keep myself honest by constantly questioning myself and educating myself.

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