A Deep Dive Into the Anti-Vaccination Crusade

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Shot in the Arm


Genre: Documentary
Year Released: 2023
Runtime: 1h 29m
Director(s): Scott Hamilton Kennedy
Where To Watch: launching its theatrical release in New York City at the Angelika Film Center with a preview screening & Q&A on November 2, 2023, fully releasing on November 3, and in Los Angeles at the Laemmle Cinemas on November 17, offering insightful Q&A’s with filmmakers Neil deGrasse Tyson & Scott Hamilton Kennedy, before expanding to other markets across North America

RAVING REVIEW: Come with me to examine vaccine skepticism with SHOT IN THE ARM, a documentary that does more than merely scratch the surface of this new wave of unfounded politicized fear. Directed by Scott Hamilton Kennedy, this is a deeper dive than just telling people they need to take vaccinations, and this explores why and how a movement has attempted to put fear into people. It's a look into the depths of societal division and political convolution. With an opening act that pulls no punches, this film is poised to stir the cauldron of public discourse.

SHOT IN THE ARM feels like navigating a mystery as the narrative, expertly piloted by Kennedy, investigates the alarming measles outbreak in the U.S. It's an examination that interweaves political and health matters into a complex tapestry. The film doesn't just lay the facts out before your eyes; it details them with interviews and science-backed information, revealing layers of psychological questions that compel even some of the brightest minds to turn their backs on medical breakthroughs.

What makes this narrative riveting is its rollercoaster-like ability to intertwine meticulous research with heart-rending interviews. Kennedy's directorial skill lies in his ability to breathe life into data and figures, transforming them into stories that pulsate with emotion. As he navigates the murky waters surrounding figures like Robert Kennedy Jr. and Del Bigtree, the film's message becomes impossible to ignore, painting a portrait of a nation on the precipice of political turmoil.

Yet, amidst the darkness, SHOT IN THE ARM lights a beacon of hope. Kennedy’s balanced storytelling shines through, lending a voice even to the most vocal vaccine skeptics. This balanced approach underpins the film's core message that in the battle against misinformation, critical thinking is our armor. Science has helped us eradicate some of the most fearsome illnesses the world has ever seen, and hopefully, it can overcome this current wave of skepticism as well.

Timeliness is the film’s “trump” card as Robert Kennedy Jr.'s political ambitions cast a shadow; the documentary's focus on his involvement in the Samoa measles outbreak resonates with uncanny relevance. It’s a narrative thread woven seamlessly into the ongoing global vaccination discourse. While it likely won’t do much to move the needle on the most ingrained skeptics, hopefully, a few people in the middle will see the reality of what these politicians are attempting to do with misleading information.

Kennedy contrasts the divergent reactions to health crises, from Samoa’s united front against measles to New York’s fragmented approach to COVID-19. Including Dr. Hotez’s quest to develop a low-cost COVID-19 vaccine adds emotional depth to the narrative.

The film transcends a mere critique of the anti-vaccination movement. It is a stark reminder of our collective duty towards public health and the hazards of yielding to narrow-minded ideologies. It invites viewers to contemplate our societal trajectory and the grim consequences of discounting scientific evidence.

One of the newest battles not covered in the film is the new wave of insurance companies not covering certain vaccines; once the government stepped away from the supply chain, insurance jumped back to its old games. I know at least two people personally who wanted to get vaccinated and were turned away unless they wanted to pay out of pocket ($100+); this may well become a pandemic all its own if something doesn’t change.

SHOT IN THE ARM is a compelling watch that cuts through the polarized vaccination debates. Its narrative is a sad reflection of the current state of public health discourse, melding historical insights with pressing contemporary issues. More than an exposé, Kennedy’s film is a call to action—a plea for critical reflection and unified action in the face of public health challenges. Whether pro-vaccine or on the fence, this documentary offers a fascinating and provocative examination of a topic that continues to shape our collective future.

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[photo courtesy of BLACK VALLEY FILMS]

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