A No Budget Horror Anthology With a Style of Its Own
Scary Tales
(adult content)
Genre: Horror
Year Released: 1993, 2022 (blu-ray release from AGFA & 101 Films)
Runtime: 1h 10m
Director(s): Doug Ulrich, Al Darago
Writer(s): Al Darago, Doug Ulrich
Cast: Al Darago, Albert Darago III, Tony Murphy Jr., Zach Wamsley, Amber Wamsley, Adam Wamsley, Brad Storck, Ilene Zelechowski, Mark Shapiro, Bill Emge, Doug Ulrich, Cindy Darago, Laurie Levine, Dennis Maleckie, Kevin Rogers
Where To Watch: Available to order through www.101-films-store.com (region B) or www.americangenrefilm.com
I feel it’s my responsibility to let anyone interested in this know exactly what it is. Of course, I won’t be spoiling anything because I never do that! This is a unique experience and a product of its time and environment. The “film” was shot on VHS tape, and you can tell that the entire time; even though this is a Blu-ray release, it will instantly take you back to the days of a VHS tape and a giant CRT TV.
Watching movies like this is about being in the right mindset; this is the definition of no-budget independent films. Often shot in cast or crew homes or on the go in a guerilla-style (shooting wherever they can without permits) of filmmaking. Ultimately, this adds warmth and a touch of personality to the films that they otherwise wouldn’t have. If these were done today, they’d likely be shot digitally with the same budgetary constraints and end up more like one of the 30+ Amityville films that are just out to grab a buck.
You may be pleasantly surprised if you can get past the shot on video aspect and the relatively low production values. The film is an anthology series in the same vein as CREEPSHOW without the budget. You will either be a fan of this movie style, or you won’t; there likely aren’t many people going to land in between. I’d recommend jumping onto YouTube and checking out a sample of it or similar titles to get a feel for the style. Then order from either AGFA or 101 Films, depending on where you’re located.
– New transfer from the original S-VHS master tapes
– Commentary track with director Doug Ulrich
– 1987 demo version of SCARY TALES
– Outtakes and vintage TV promo appearance
– Bonus movie: DARKEST SOUL (1994)
– Early horror shorts by director Doug Ulrich
– Reversible cover
– English subtitles
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I myself on occasion enjoy a good zero budget horror film it sounds like it’s definitely going to be a little on the cheesy side but I will consider watching