A Unique Story That Makes You Question Everything
Genre: Drama, Romance
Year Released: 2022
Runtime: 1h 35m
Director(s): Ethan Hickey
Writer(s): Ethan Hickey
Cast: Tim Dowler-Coltman, Brenna Coates, Janet Porter, Kevin Bundy, Simon Webster, Eric Fleising
Where To Watch: Available on iTunes on July 5, up for pre-order now
BURDEN is a film that shows what a passion project can become. Director Ethan Hickey started writing the script when he was just 16, and this Tuesday, July 5th, when the film releases, he will be 21. I know I hadn’t accomplished anything as incredible as this by the time I was 16, 21, or even today. The tagline for the film is “Life can turn in an instant,” which couldn’t be more accurate in this film.
The film is an intelligent take on a somber subject, keeping me on the edge of my seat as I watched it unfold. One of the most critical aspects of the film is that while it was an independent film, it didn’t feel like it. The direction, acting, cinematography, and more felt like you were watching a major motion picture on the big screen. Speaking to Hickey, I asked him about this, and he mentioned that “we all tried our best to turn this film into a movie-movie.” I couldn’t think of a better way to put my thoughts together, and I thought that did it perfectly. This truly felt like a “real” movie, I don’t mean to sound derogatory towards other independent films, but this shows what can be done when you put your entire being into a project.
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the actors here as well; this film was brilliantly acted, thanks to an incredible cast that may not be household names, but you wouldn’t know that from watching the movie. This “small” story doesn’t have a sprawling cast of strangers or acquaintances. Most of the film takes place between two families, which adds to the movie's intimate feeling. If you can tell a story within the close confines of a “family” story, you will draw the audience closer.
Make sure you check this out Tuesday, 7/5, on iTunes!
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