Adolescence: More Than Growing Pains

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For Night Will Come (En attendant la nuit)


Genre: Drama
Year Released: 2023
Runtime: 1h 44m
Director(s): Céline Rouzet
Writer(s): William Martin, Céline Rouzet
Cast: Mathias Legoût-Hammond, Élodie Bouchez, Jean-Charles Clichet, Céleste Brunnquell, Laly Mercier
Where To Watch: premiering September 6 at the 2023 Venice Film Festival

RAVING REVIEW: This is the year of the vampire, and I don’t know how else to put that. There are four feature films at Venice this year, all about vampires. This is my second of the four, and wow! In the seemingly ordinary canvas of suburbia, Céline Rouzet's FOR NIGHT WILL COME bursts forth with a story that's anything but typical. Let's set the scene: The Feral family is your average next-door neighbor. But wait, their son, Philemon (Mathias Legout Hammond,) isn't your run-of-the-mill teenager. He has layers, folks, and his magnetic connection with Camila (Céleste Brunnquell,) the girl from next door, beckons us into a world where thirst goes beyond late-night fridge raids.

Now, while some might think, "Oh, another vampire story," this one's depth, drawing inspiration from hushed nighttime tales once told to Rouzet by her elder brother, Vincent, isn't just fangs and capes. It’s a deep dive into adolescent trials, societal perceptions, and mental health intricacies. So, for those of us who thought our teenage years were complicated, Rouzet reminds us that we haven’t experienced anything yet!

Philemon's internal battle is not just about night-time antics. It's the universal story of a youth teetering between societal norms and his fierce individuality. The teen's tangled relationship with Camila crescendos into a powerful ending you won’t see coming, nudging viewers to ponder the fine line between love, fitting in, and the price of personal sacrifices.

Did we mention Rouzet's documentary roots? Oh, yes! She melds reality and fiction like a seasoned maestro with a history of capturing raw, real-life stories in far-off lands like Papua New Guinea. The 5-week shoot of FOR NIGHT WILL COME shines with that documentary touch, making every frame a candid capture of fictional allure. You feel like a fly on the wall, watching this story unfold.

Laurence Feral (Elodie Bouchez), the powerful matriarch of the Feral clan, is perfection in her role; the raw emotions expressed are at a core level. Meanwhile, though a fresh face on the big screen, Hammond nails Philemon's persona and heartbe… errr, stone-cold facade. Brunquell's Camila plays the perfect counter to Hammond; the two form a perfect balance on the screen.

But what's a movie without its soundtrack? Enter Jean-Benoît Dunckel, the maestro, whose auditory genius sets the tone, echoing the film's dreamy, eerie undertones. It’s as if the music is part of the unfolding story, always there to put a subdued emphasis on the moments in the film when they’re needed the most.

Rouzet reveals her deep-rooted connection to the tale in her Director's Statement. Clearly, FOR NIGHT WILL COME isn’t just about the supernatural. It mirrors the eternal push and pull between our dreams and societal expectations. Set against the everyday yet mystical French suburbia, it nudges us to question the expected norms we often overlook.

Rouzet is in her element here, teaming up with co-writer William Martin; she serves us FOR NIGHT WILL COME, a narrative cocktail blending memories and imagination. So, here's to an epic ride into the heart of suburbia, with secrets, shadows, and a whole lot of “soul”!

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As an advocate for creators, actors, and writers, I firmly stand with SAG-AFTRA and the WGA in their current strike. The entertainment industry is built on these individuals' extraordinary talents, and their contributions must be appropriately recognized and rewarded. They deserve fair compensation, sensible work hours, and respect for their creative rights. I believe in the power of unity and collective action, and I'm steadfast in my support for their fight for better working conditions and fair remuneration. Together, we can shape a more equitable future in the entertainment world.


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