America’s Precarious Paycheck-to-Paycheck Life

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It’s Basic


Genre: Documentary
Year Released: 2023
Runtime: 1h 16m
Director(s): Marc Levin
Where To Watch: West Coast premiere at DTLA Film Festival on November 2, 2023

RAVING REVIEW: Strap in for a cinematic exploration into the heart of America's economic storm with IT'S BASIC. This documentary sails into turbulent waters, presenting Universal Basic Income (UBI) as a potential lifesaver for those drowning in financial woes. At its core, IT'S BASIC illuminates the hope of economic rescue despite navigating some choppy narrative waves along the way.

In an unexpected plot development, IT'S BASIC plunges us into an economic battlefield. Director Marc Levin, with an astute perception of societal struggles, orchestrates a storyline that resonates with authenticity. He focuses on U.S. pilot programs, potentially the roadmap for a future where economic stability isn't a luxury. Through interviews and candid shots, the film paints a raw picture of financial hardships, offering a behind-the-scenes look at those grappling with economic instability.

As the narrative progresses, we traverse diverse urban landscapes, each playing its role in portraying America's financial narrative. Levin’s directorial expertise is evident as he seamlessly weaves personal tales into a gripping montage depicting life on the economic brink.

However, IT'S BASIC isn’t without its narrative flaws. Having Andrew Yang as one of the focuses works against itself; even though his magnetic screen presence is compelling, his role feels more like a special guest appearance than a genuine participant. The documentary misses the opportunity by not diving deeper into what UBI implementation would do for Americans, opting for a hopeful tale over an analytical, critical examination of the systemic reforms needed to combat poverty.

Despite these narrative gaps, IT'S BASIC delivers an award-worthy performance in its editing, piecing together this approach to solving economic disparity and offering a refreshing perspective on real-world UBI applications. The film accentuates the life-changing power of financial support, echoing a participant's profound line, "Put a little gas in my tank, and I'll show you how far I can go."

While IT'S BASIC may not be the definitive take on UBI, it plays a pivotal role in the broader saga of economic justice. Levin's cinematic contribution is akin to a gripping series finale, prompting viewers to reflect on the impact of direct financial aid and challenging them to envision a society where the basic needs of every individual are a guaranteed right, not a privilege.

I want to speak from my own experience. I’m lucky enough to have a job and support system; when I was temporarily laid off during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, I can say with certainty that the checks that equated to UBI from unemployment, the Child Tax Credit exemption that expired, and the economic impact payments are what got me by. Without those funds, my family and I likely would have been homeless and without food. It’s not a question of whether UBI would help people; it’s a question of how to implement it.

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[photo courtesy of BLOWBACK PRODUCTIONS INC.]

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