Beyond Politics With Real Lives and Real Challenges

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We Live Here: The Midwest


Genre: Documentary
Year Released: 2023
Runtime: 53m
Director(s): Melinda Maerker
Where To Watch: premieres on Hulu December 6, 2023

RAVING REVIEW: Welcome to the Midwest (in my case, specifically Illinois); in WE LIVE HERE: THE MIDWEST, viewers embark on a journey that blends the preconceived ideas of what this part of the country looks like and explores the lives of LGBTQIA+ families in America's heartland. Director Melinda Maerker gathered a collection of stories that are as enlightening as they are heartwarming, marking a significant achievement in documentary filmmaking. This isn't just a tale of overcoming adversity; it's an ode to the enduring power of resilience and love.

WE LIVE HERE: THE MIDWEST, a Hulu Original documentary, takes a deep dive into the lives of LGBTQIA+ families, traditionally seen as a stronghold of conservative values. The film showcases a series of intimate and powerful narratives that confront the challenges these families face against an evolving political and social landscape. Let me get this out of the way; I wanted more! With a relatively short runtime of just 53 minutes, I was ready for a deeper dive into these stories and more about the contrasting nature of the reality of the Midwest. I would have loved to see this as a documentary series, with either more families or revisiting these stories.

Maerker’s approach to storytelling is subtle yet impactful. Eschewing a heavy-handed narrative style, they opted for a more observational technique, allowing the true essence of these subjects' experiences to come to the fore. This method authenticates the stories and fosters a deeper connection between the audience and the characters on screen.

The documentary presents a cross-section of experiences from various families. In Iowa, a trans/queer family confronts the challenge of religious exclusion, while a gay Black couple in Nebraska juggles parenthood and societal acceptance. A lesbian couple in Kansas chooses to homeschool their son to shield him from bullying, and in Minnesota, a couple faces the complexities of family life amidst personal transitions.

WE LIVE HERE: THE MIDWEST also ventures into the political arena (this could have been an entire episode on its own,) highlighting the efforts of Heather Keeler, a Minnesota Representative and queer mother, in her fight for LGBTQIA+ rights. This political aspect adds a layer of urgency and relevance to the film, underscoring the ongoing battle for equality and acceptance within the political sphere.

The straightforward style of the film effectively communicates the experiences of LGBTQIA+ individuals, offering viewers a glimpse into their lives that is both educational and emotionally resonant. One of the film's most striking features is its ability to reveal the extraordinary within the ordinary. Highlighting the daily lives of its subjects, the film draws parallels between the experiences of LGBTQIA+ families and those of non-queer families, emphasizing the shared humanity that binds us all, irrespective of sexual orientation or gender identity.

WE LIVE HERE: THE MIDWEST hints at the potential for an extended series that could explore similar narratives in different regions, keeping the conversation about LGBTQIA+ rights vibrant and underlining the need for continued progress and understanding in society.

WE LIVE HERE: THE MIDWEST is a poignant, eye-opening documentary interweaving stories of resilience and love from the American heartland. Its contribution to the discourse on LGBTQIA+ rights, societal acceptance, and equality is substantial. With its heartfelt storytelling and insightful observations, the film resonates with a broad audience, positioning itself as a must-watch for anyone interested in the human experience in today's world.

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[photo courtesy of HULU]

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