Braving Storms: Family Dynamics and Mental Health

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Good Side of Bad


Genre: Drama
Year Released: 2023
Runtime: 1h 35m
Director(s): Alethea Root
Writer(s): Ciera Danielle, Jules Bruff, Alethea Root
Cast: Lexi Simonsen, Jules Bruff, Alex Quijano, Myles Grier, Tess Harper
Where To Watch: premieres June 23, 2023, at Dances with Film; tickets available here or learn more about the film here

RAVING REVIEW: GOOD SIDE OF BAD takes us on a journey through the tangled world of mental health and unfolds an intriguing narrative. It highlights how navigating the world of the mind can surprisingly cement familial ties. The film offers a compelling story that examines the depths of personal relationships when pitted against mental health and the battles we face.

As the film's narrative unfolds, the storyline plunges into the tumultuous lives of three siblings, each burdened with their unique challenges. The characters of Sara and Florence, portrayed to perfection by Jules Bruff and Lexi Simonsen, respectively, become the central pulse of this narrative. Their interplay sets a tempo that will keep the audience locked into this story, with Simonsen’s performance leaving an indelible mark.

A bone-chilling revelation concerning the mental health of one sibling lights the spark that sets the film's story in motion. Through this intricate maze of psychological hurdles, the film brings to the fore the invaluable weight of family bonds and their potential to radiate warmth, even in the darkest corners of existence. Love, mutual support, and shared laughter emerge as powerful lifebuoys, providing solace amidst the stormiest situations.

Beverly Olevin's novel "The Good Side of Bad" forms the groundwork from which the GOOD SIDE OF BAD emerges. The narrative elegantly transitions from literature to cinema, capturing audience engagement. Olevin's detailed account of a family navigating severe crises alongside everyday struggles creates a solid foundation, inviting viewers to lose themselves in this cinematic tapestry.

The shared struggles of the siblings, with Florence battling to overcome, Sara trying to stay afloat amidst post-divorce financial woes, and Peter fighting relentless battles against anxiety, amplified during the 2008 economic chaos. Echoing Olevin’s novel, the film skillfully depicts the constant teeter between life-changing emergencies and daily problems, a hallmark of authentic family dynamics. The film even points out the family's struggles in seeking the treatment they need, from time off and other commitments.

In the director's seat, Alethea Root maneuvers the story, emphasizing the decisive role of empathy and understanding in piecing back fractured relationships. Root’s directorial lens, fueled by her personal experiences with mental health, shines a light on the untapped potential for growth amidst familial turbulence, demonstrating how important stories like this are to tell.

GOOD SIDE OF BAD discussions around mental health in the film accentuates the silver lining in disconnection periods, showing that they could be the stepping stones to forging more profound connections. The film underscores standing up for oneself and others as the first stride toward healing and reconciliation.

Bruff's portrayal of Sara resembles the celebrated Mary Steenburgen in her demeanor and vocalization, augmenting her performance with an extra layer of intrigue and showcasing her versatility as an actress. (If a Steenburgen biopic ever gets made, I would 100% vote for Bruff’s casting!)

GOOD SIDE OF BAD presents an unfiltered voyage of a family braving the turbulent seas of a mental health crisis. The movie highlights the resilience of human connections under the most adverse conditions. Root's vision for this film extends beyond mere entertainment; it aims to break the silence surrounding mental health issues. She hopes this narrative will seed empathy, compassion, and understanding in viewers' hearts.

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