Canadian Gothic Cinema Unfolds

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Hands That Bind


Genre: Drama
Year Released: 2021, 2023
Runtime: 1h 57m
Director(s): Kyle Armstrong
Writer(s): Kyle Armstrong
Cast: Paul Sparks, Susan Kent, Landon Liboiron, Nicholas Campbell, Will Oldham, Bruce Dern
Where To Watch: coming to select Theaters & VOD on November 3, 2023 from Dark Sky Films

RAVING REVIEW: In HANDS THAT BIND, the curtains of reality are drawn back to reveal a haunting, extraordinary world of 1980s Alberta. Director Kyle Armstrong invites us into a realm where every puff of tractor exhaust seems to echo with the whispers of unseen forces. This is a prairie drama where the mundane and the mysterious are entangled in an intriguing dance. Make no mistake; this is a slow-burn film, unlike any slow-burn I’ve seen before. I’m not sure why this decision was made, but it oddly works.

The film opens by embracing us with visuals that are as captivating as they are foreboding. We’re introduced to Andy, played by Paul Sparks, a farmhand whose life is anchored to dreams of land ownership. Sparks delivers a performance that resonates with ambition and vulnerability. He is joined by Nicholas Campbell and Susan Kent, who bring depth and warmth to the narrative, painting a portrait of a family caught in the crosswinds of change.

HANDS THAT BIND begins with the precision of a well-orchestrated symphony. Cinematographer Mike McLaughlin's every frame is a visual treat, with the Albertan landscape as a canvas for this intricate tale, which has an almost reminiscent feel of NOMADLAND; if you get the chance to see this on the big screen, that would be my suggestion.

However, as the plot unfurls, the narrative’s once-tight stitching loosens. Landon Liboiron's portrayal of Dirk ushers in a whirlpool of events, leading to a finale that feels somewhat disjointed from the film's earlier storyline. I won’t say it’s a bad thing, but it was incredibly jarring.

Armstrong’s ambition is evident as he weaves the threads of personal strife and the unexplained. The film nudges us to ponder the roots of the community's disturbances, yet it holds back, leaving us yearning for more depth and answers. The questions it presents are like stars in a cloudy night sky—visible yet partly obscured.

Despite its narrative detours, HANDS THAT BIND finds its soul in the intricate portrayal of its characters. The cast delivers grounded and evocative performances, with Bruce Dern’s role adding a layer of intrigue that enriches the film’s fabric. This, along with the gorgeous cinematography, adds a level to the film that makes it something beyond just the story. It's in the intimate exploration of its characters' internal conflicts that the film truly resonates. It’s a poignant exploration of the profound impact of cultural and societal shifts on the individual psyche.

Ultimately, HANDS THAT BIND is a story of a man caught in the relentless currents of an evolving world, struggling to hold onto a fading way of life. While it may not fully harness its ambitious premise, it is a reflective piece on identity, belonging, and the eerie undercurrents of change.

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[photo courtesy of DARK SKY FILMS]

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