Coming-of-Age Fantasy Defies Genre Norms
The Butterfly Queen
NR –
Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Horror
Year Released: 2023
Runtime: 1h 17m
Director(s): Liam O'Connor-Genereaux
Writer(s): Liam O'Connor-Genereaux
Cast: Kade Pintado, Sophia Anthony, Despoina, Paul Hunt, Dorian Burks, Eli Conard
Where To Watch: WalrusDice Productions will be streaming The Butterfly Queen worldwide for 24 hours on August 12, 2023; click here to signup for the watch party www.walrusdice.com
RAVING REVIEW: THE BUTTERFLY QUEEN is a delightful fairy tale imbued with an undertone of horror. Playing the pivotal role of Casey, Kade Pintado encapsulates the struggle of an ambitious “nonbinary sheep farmer/cartoonist” torn between upholding their lineage and fostering their talent as a cartoonist. Sophia Anthony, portraying Robin, the wandering spirit “basically a vagabond,” dreams of a life beyond her quaint town's confines. Their goals, at odds with each other, have them sent on divergent life trajectories, but a fateful event entwines their paths again. This union sets them on an exciting quest in a mystical world buzzing with eccentric creatures as they hunt for Casey's stolen sketchbook.
Under the creative helm of director Liam O’Connor-Genereaux, THE BUTTERFLY QUEEN enthralls audiences with its captivating narrative that emphasizes the value of friendship, packaged within a realm of magic and wonder. Situated amid Vermont's idyllic beauty, THE BUTTERFLY QUEEN paints a compelling story of the struggle between maintaining one's heritage and chasing dreams. It explores the evolving dynamics between Casey and Robin, their shared aspirations, and the rekindling of their bond. The compelling chemistry between Pintado and Anthony brings this narrative strength to life. Ash, depicted by Desponia, has one of the most unique character development paths and leaves much to the viewer's imagination.
Despite the budget constraints that are a hallmark of indie filmmaking, THE BUTTERFLY QUEEN demonstrates remarkable ingenuity in its production design. The costumes, a fusion of realism and fantasy, add to the film's enchantment. The beautiful, mesmerizing, and unique set design is a testimony to the creative team's commitment to excellence.
No setback in the film overshadows the cast's commendable performances or the crew's ingenuity to create this world on a tight budget. Produced by Liam O'Connor-Genereaux and WalrusDice Productions, THE BUTTERFLY QUEEN brings the narratives of Vermont's young adults to the fore. The film honestly portrays queer characters without confining them to romantic subplots, breaking away from the conventional Hollywood narrative. One of my goals as a film critic is to see the day I don’t have to highlight queer characters' inclusion in film because it has become the norm. We have a long way to go as a country, but moments like this film give me hope.
The film shines as a fantasy and coming-of-age tale. The musical score worked beautifully as an ever-present reminder of the world that we’re in during the movie. The story's heart is the dynamic and relatable friendship between Casey and Robin, made all the more believable through Pintado and Anthony's fantastic performances. Director O'Connor-Genereaux skillfully intertwines this theme into the broader narrative.
In conclusion, THE BUTTERFLY QUEEN is a charming fantasy flick with relatable characters and narrative charm. Despite minor hiccups, the stunning visuals, impressive set pieces, and the mesmerizing Butterfly Queen herself make the movie a blast for everyone. It's a tribute to the realm of cinema, providing a novel spin on the classic young adult genre.
Make sure to check out the 24-hour stream on August 12, 2023; click here to signup for the watch party www.walrusdice.com
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[photo courtesy of WALRUSDICE PRODUCTIONS]
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