Dark Past Haunts More Than Just Characters

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Down Below


Genre: Horror
Year Released: 2024
Runtime: 1h 33m
Director(s): Spyder Dobrofsky
Writer(s): Spyder Dobrofsky
Cast: Eric Roberts, Hutch Dano, Christopher Livingston, Doug Jones, Bai Ling, Alexis Knapp, Greg Kriek, Erin Matthews, Brittany Carel
Where To Watch: available to stream now

RAVING REVIEW: On the 20th anniversary of a horrible murder, the film plunges us deep into the shadows of a supernatural thriller, stirring the echoes of a once-buried evil. As the past claws its way into the present with the resurgence of an evil preacher and a weary call girl, Karisma, played by Alexis Knapp, finds themselves entangled in an ever-tightening web of darkness.

DOWN BELOW sets its scene in a town overshadowed by sinister memories, promising a chilling fusion of supernatural suspense and psychological depth. Yet, as the tale unfolds, the plot aims to traverse vast landscapes but often loses its way in a labyrinth of confusion. Writer/director Spyder Dobrofsky attempts to envelop the audience in a fog of dread and paranoia but struggles to anchor these ambitions in a coherent narrative.

The story ambitiously tries to thread complex character arcs and a dense plot centered on this battle to clear his name in the community. However, the narrative momentum is frequently stalled by diversions and an array of supporting characters who drift in and out, diluting the core storyline. The erratic pacing swings from brisk to sluggish, revealing a patchwork of plot elements that struggle to form a cohesive picture.

The ensemble cast, including veterans like Eric Roberts and Doug Jones, strives to infuse depth into their roles. Still, the script doesn’t afford them enough material to develop their characters fully. Both actors, alongside Bai Ling and Knapp, grapple with roles that promise more than they deliver. Knapp, in particular, begins with a character brimming with potential, only to see it dissipate as the narrative progresses, leaving her performance unfulfilled. To be fair, most of the time, when you see Roberts' name in a cast listing now, it’s a red flag.

DOWN BELOW aims to captivate with a palette that evokes a haunting atmosphere. It employs shadows and light to craft an eerie, almost dreamlike quality. Yet, this visual strategy is compromised by questionable cinematography and an overzealous use of effects that blur rather than clarify the film’s dark themes. Instead of building suspense, these choices often pull the viewer out of the immersion, leaving a trail of visual and narrative disarray.

The film scratches at the surface of its protagonist's deep-seated psychological torment, confronting ghosts both real and imagined. These elements hint at a richer, darker exploration that could have been, yet they are only briefly explored, leaving the story's darker potential tantalizingly out of reach. A tighter focus on Salem's inner demons and less on extraneous subplots might have provided the grounding the film needs.

DOWN BELOW gathers all the elements necessary for a gripping psychological thriller but doesn’t quite manage to bake them into the experience it aims to be. It offers moments of creativity that may draw in genre enthusiasts and fans of the cast. Ultimately, it falls short of its promise, leaving a sense of missed opportunity.

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