Fast, Furious, and Unexpectedly Heartfelt
My Fault (Culpa mía)
Genre: Drama
Year Released: 2023
Runtime: 1h 56m
Director(s): Domingo González
Writer(s): Domingo González, Mercedes Ron
Cast: Nicole Wallace, Gabriel Guevara, Marta Hazas, Iván Sánchez, Eva Ruiz, Victor Varona, Ivan Massagué
Language: Spanish with English subtitles
Where To Watch: available on Prime Video June 8, 2023
RAVING REVIEW: With MY FAULT, Prime Video launches a narrative voyage unapologetically specific to its intended demographic in the young adult drama genre. As someone who wouldn't ordinarily consider themselves part of the target audience, I was shocked to find this film's narrative pulling me in more than once. It meshes diverse genres and sprinkles in an unforeseen dollop of FAST AND FURIOUS-like symbolism. This vibrant blend of adolescent drama and romantic comedy certainly knows how to keep the entertainment dial turned up. Front and center of it all is the exceptional performance by Nicole Wallace, whose compelling portrayal of Noah, the leading role, effortlessly draws in viewers.
Let's leap into the vortex of MY FAULT's plot, where we meet Noah, a stubborn and fiery woman. She's thrust from her cozy environment into the lavish abode of her mother's wealthy new spouse, William Leister (Iván Sánchez.) Initially, the luxurious atmosphere of her new home is at odds with Noah's independent spirit. In this unfamiliar terrain, she meets Nick (Gabriel Guevara,) her new stepbrother. Underneath their contrasting exteriors, Noah uncovers Nick's shady life – a world filled with illegal street racing, gambling, and underground fighting.
MY FAULT is crafted with a particular audience in mind, succumbing to the trap of clichéd storytelling. The narrative appears assembled from various stereotypes and borrowed themes, leading one to wish for originality. The film likely has an irresistible pull for those steeped in Mercedes Ron's 'Culpables' trilogy, which this is partially based on, potentially fulfilling the film's primary ambition.
A pertinent critique of MY FAULT lies in the sometimes questionable logic behind the characters' decisions and motivations. But what type of young adult drama would it be if they made all the right choices? The real twist of the story will shock most unfamiliar with the story, but it’s handled intriguingly.
One of the oddest choices for me was the heavily influenced car racing aspects; the shift from teenage drama to Fast and the Furious style action film felt slightly jarring at several points of the film. While non of it was done poorly, the transition felt so out of place in the movie; I’m assuming this was done intentionally to show the two different worlds at play, but still.
Despite the minor speed bumps, MY FAULT is primed for success on Prime Video. MY FAULT might need to improve in creating a distinct identity and cohesiveness, but it is poised to resonate with its intended audience. Nicole Wallace’s performance as Noah truly elevates the film to another level. It’s
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[photo courtesy of PRIME VIDEO]
Average Rating