Netflix Does a Lot More Than Stranger Things
Image of Victory (Tmunat Hanitzahon)
Genre: Drama, History, War
Year Released: 2022
Runtime: 2h 8m
Director(s): Avi Nesher
Writer(s): Avi Nesher (screenplay by,) Liraz Brosh (inspired by true events and story by,) Ehud Bleiberg (inspired by true events and story by)
Cast: Joy Reiger, Amir Khoury, Ala Dakka
Where To Watch: Available on Netflix on July 15th
If you have Netflix, I would highly recommend checking this out. This was a larger-than-life experience in every way possible. This is one of those rare instances where the film is almost at the same scale as the content. Inspired by actual events, the film captures a mother's journey and the fall of the war around her. This is the most significant production done in Israel, and it shows on the film's scale.
This is a film about love, war, and the characters trapped in the middle of it all. Somehow the film is both an all-encompassing story of war and yet also an intimate tribute to one woman’s decisions and battles. This is primarily thanks to the vision of director/writer Avi Nesher who can paint this canvas with telling visuals and dialogue that is just as powerful. His films regularly premiere and the Toronto International Film Festival with good reason as they are well-received films and essential in the grander scale of Isreal and its film community.
Another film that somehow pushed through everything during the COVID pandemic and still managed to get made. Because the story has so many different aspects, I feel it can connect with almost anyone. Something at its core makes it a story about people and their struggles. I can only imagine the stories behind the stories of these films that managed to get made with restrictions galore.
While I haven’t gotten to screen many Netflix films, I’ve noticed a consistent quality in what they stand behind. Their movies often have a story to tell in a way you won’t easily forget. I can’t wait to see what other films I’ll review coming up; Netflix has made a name for itself as more than just a streaming giant.
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