Slaughter, Pure Chaos, and Laughter

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Dude Bro Party Massacre III


Genre: Comedy, Horror
Year Released: 2015, 2023 Streaming
Runtime: 1h 43m
Director(s): Tomm Jacobsen, Michael Rousselet, John Salmon
Writer(s): Alex Owen, Ben Gigli, Brian Firenzi
Cast: Alec Owen, Kelsey Gunn, Ben Gigli, Olivia Taylor Dudley, Larry King, Patton Oswalt
Where To Watch: available On Demand September 1, 2023

RAVING REVIEW: Hilariously embodies the eclectic essence of every cheesy B-rated 80s horror flick. Unapologetically embracing its intentionally bad movie status, the film unabashedly revels in its deliberate absurdity, creating a delightful homage to a bygone era of horror cinema.

With every deliberately awkward moment and every creative misstep, DUDE BRO PARTY MASSACRE III winks at the audience, inviting them to share in the laughter and nostalgia. By going above and beyond in its quest to be purposefully bad, the film finds an unexpected authenticity that endears it to horror and comedy fans. It's a celebration of the outrageous, the illogical, and the wonderfully bizarre, reminding us of the joys that can be found in embracing the so-bad-it's-good aesthetic.

This film boasts one of the most captivating opening sequences I've witnessed in the past decade of cinema. With its unique approach, even though this is the third installment and there are no predecessors labeled 1 or 2, the narrative skillfully unravels the backstory of the preceding films in a truly remarkable and ingenious manner. For horror fans, it will leave you yearning for the existence of DUDE BRO PARTY MASSACRE 1 and DUDE BRO PARTY MASSACRE 2.

This film truly excels in its comedic aspects and masterful use of practical effects. Alec Owen delivers a standout performance as the lead character, Brent, injecting the role with charisma and wit. Olivia Taylor Dudley shines brilliantly as the formidable Motherface, delivering her one-liners with remarkable wit. Her execution of the kill scenes rivals the intensity of iconic figures like Leatherface or Jason. Moreover, the movie boasts a delightful array of cameos that offer the audience joy and surprises.

Occasionally, the dialogue ventures into the realm of cringe-worthy, challenging viewers to withstand its awkward charm. Similarly, while intentionally designed to mimic the vintage 80s horror style, the cinematography might test one's visual sensibilities due to its deliberately rough and unpolished nature.

Overall, in its entirety, this film serves as a heartfelt and delightfully cheesy love letter to fans of 80s slasher horror, crafting an experience that genuinely tickles the senses and leaves them thoroughly entertained.

[photo courtesy of 5 SECOND FILMS]

As an advocate for creators, actors, and writers, I firmly stand with SAG-AFTRA and the WGA in their current strike. The entertainment industry is built on these individuals' extraordinary talents, and their contributions must be appropriately recognized and rewarded. They deserve fair compensation, sensible work hours, and respect for their creative rights. I believe in the power of unity and collective action, and I'm steadfast in my support for their fight for better working conditions and fair remuneration. Together, we can shape a more equitable future in the entertainment world.


About Post Author

Dustin Vitale

TikTok: Nerdy Dustin 2.0, IMDB: Dustin Vitale
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