The Unconventional Comedy That Delivers

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Nobody Wants to Be Just Ordinary

Genre: Comedy
Year Released: 2023
Runtime: 1h 23m
Director(s): Miguel Muller, Stefania Vasconcellos
Writer(s): Miguel Muller, Stefania Vasconcellos
Cast: Emilyrose Morris, Dina Freberg, Morris Jude Martinez, Onrico Nightingale, Jeff K. Kim, Bianca Muller, Kalinda Gray, Sophie Jordan Collins,  Yakov Kolontarov, Erin Zukowski, Kurt Maloney, Rebel Arent, MarkAnthony Melgar, Liesel Hanson, Cashae Monya, Adam Chisnall, Darren Shin, Lauren Lakis, Katie Ghidossi, Vince Donvito, Josetta Monk, Meagan McKenna, Marcus A Siler, Bruna Fachetti, Ivo Muller, Sammy Espinoza
Where To Watch: release upcoming, November 2023

RAVING REVIEW: Imagine strolling through Los Angeles at dusk when the city's glamour gives way to the raw ambition. It's here that NOBODY WANTS TO BE JUST ORDINARY, a daring comedy, unravels its narrative. This isn't the Hollywood fairy tale you might expect; it's an energetic ride through a landscape where dreams and reality collide, wrapped in the spirit of indie fervor.

Within the vibrant sprawl of the city, a team of independent filmmakers assembles, each driven by the vision of creating a feature that will catapult them to stardom. They're about to defy the typical Hollywood plotline, choosing instead a raw, audacious comedy that pays homage to LA's rich cinematic history and resonates with the untamed indie spirit.

A diverse cast of thirty or so breathe life into this narrative, supported by a devoted production team. Together, they transform filming challenges across varied locales into an exhilarating escapade. Their creative arsenal? Groundbreaking technology. Armed with an iPhone 13 Pro, enhanced with Moment lenses and the Filmic Pro app, they prove that innovation and storytelling are a match made in cinema heaven. Innovation truly breeds creativity. I’m old enough to remember when cellphone cameras were laughably bad, and now high-definition movies are being shot and edited on them. Can you imagine where we’ll be in 20 or 40 years from now?

At the helm of this daring voyage are two directors whose zeal for cinema is infectious. Stefania Vasconcellos, rooted in Brazilian culture, is a filmmaker whose path is a rich tapestry of artistic influences, fueling a lifelong affair with storytelling and its impact on the human psyche and society. With a commitment to stories that resonate both socially and authentically, this director navigates the complex interplay of human relationships and their societal echoes.

NOBODY WANTS TO BE JUST ORDINARY, the brainchild of Miguel Muller and the director, under the banner of Prisma Films, is the epitome of this director's cinematic vision. Born from grit, this project transcends the limitations of a tight budget and stringent timeline, showcasing the creative resilience of its makers.

The film is not just a celebration of its creators' spirit; it's a testament to the magic that unfolds when a diverse collective of artists converges under a shared vision. It's a narrative that reframes filmmaking challenges as catalysts for ingenuity and evolution.

The director's journey and the film's trajectory transcend mere tales of cinematic passion. They prove the transformative power of storytelling and the relentless pursuit of dreams, regardless of the odds. NOBODY WANTS TO BE JUST ORDINARY is a cinematic ode to the extraordinary, awaiting those courageous enough to venture beyond the ordinary.

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[photo courtesy of PRISMA FILMS]

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