Unmasking the American Dream: a Story of Injustice
Genre: Documentary
Year Released: 2023
Runtime: 1h 36m
Director(s): Sean Claffey
Where To Watch: opens theatrically in New York (Cinema Village) and Los Angeles (Laemmle Monica) on Friday, June 9, 2023, with key regional screenings to follow and a VOD release on Major platforms in the US and Canada on June 13
RAVING REVIEW: This country has fallen into a broken system, we have two political parties, and the party for the people is consistently lied about and demonized by the other. When rooting for the working class, the other party works for the corporate overlords, lowering their taxes and raising yours. This system has been in the works for so long; the opposing side lies to their cult-like followers by preaching hate and appealing to the ignorant. This continues to take more power away from the working class, ultimately leading to the desired rise of unions. This film doesn’t so much look at the political aspects as it does the worker's height. On a personal note, I hope this is just the beginning of a LONG list of changes this country is seeing!
AMERICONNED is a documentary that swings open the door to the raw truth, revealing an America playing hide and seek with us. Directed by Sean Claffey, the film brings us face-to-face with the United States sprinting headfirst into innovation and economic success. It's the everyday Joe, the regular worker, who's left gasping for breath. As the juggernauts of capitalism, automation, and working off the common man's success rear their menacing heads, ready to boot out almost half of the American workforce within the next decade, a whopping $50 trillion sneaks from the pockets of the laborious 90% into the overflowing treasure chests of the elite 1%. With the nation's guardians seemingly wearing rose-colored glasses, our unions are getting steamrolled by corporate might (see Starbucks as a prime example still, years later haven’t unionized the stores that voted for it.)
AMERICONNED is more than just a film—it's a mirror that reflects a deep-seated economic divide gnawing at the heart of American society. This ticking bomb threatens to set off a wave of social unrest and radical ideologies. It gives us a front-row seat to witness a nation teetering on the brink of an economic chasm. When you refuse to treat people fairly, they will rise up.
This film dives into the murkier depths of the American dream. It brings to light the hushed battles of average families, the calculated political maneuvers of the upper crust, and the growing rebellion among American workers. But it doesn't just stop pointing out the problems—it dares to challenge the unjust branding of the middle class as inefficient and offers a plan for the working class to reassert their inherent worth. Claffey's vision urges us to redefine our societal narrative, to ensure that workers aren't just stuck with the world they were born into, but can achieve the pay they deserve.
AMERICONNED is a call that echoes beyond the screen and warns us of the potentially dystopian future if inequality persists. Are we ready to step up, roll our sleeves, and build a more balanced system for future generations? Or do we sit back, do nothing, and watch as our democracy gradually loses its spirit? The answer lies not with the politicians but within us, the people. Other civilizations have fallen in a shorter period of time, are we next?
AMERICONNED employs expert analysis to track down the roots of income inequality, unveiling the puppet masters pulling the strings behind the massive wealth transfer. It spotlights the hypocrisy of this 1%, who prize "maximizing shareholder value" over their employees, communities, the nation, and even the environment.
This journey serves as a rallying cry to protect this dream. AMERICONNED is a tribute to all dream chasers and a promise to those whose goals are stifled.
Together, united, we can brave these challenges. The time to act is now!
It is time to rise!
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[photo courtesy of SHINE THE LIGHT FILMS]
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