Unraveling Voyeurism and Sensuality on Screen
Honey (Miele di donna)
Genre: Drama
Year Released: 1981, 2023 RARO Cinema Art Visions/Kino Lorber Blu-ray
Runtime: 1h 28m
Director(s): Gianfranco Angelucci
Writer(s): Gianfranco Angelucci (adaptation/story,) Liliane Betti (adaptation/story,) Enrique U. Herrera (writer)
Cast: Catherine Spaak, Clio Goldsmith, Fernando Rey, Donatella Damiani, Nieves Navarro
Language: Italian with English subtitles
Where To Watch: available now here www.kinolorber.com, or www.amazon.com
RAVING REVIEW: Fasten your seatbelts because we’re going on a captivating cinematic journey that weaves in and out of the mesmerizing world of HONEY. Our guide is Anna (Clio Goldsmith), the epitome of innocence, who plunges into this vibrant and enigmatic environment.
The cinematic narrative of HONEY begins as Anna arrives, steps off the deserted streets, and suddenly finds herself in a voyeuristic encounter between the innkeeper and a mystery guest. Welcome to the movies, where the unexpected is the norm. As Anna sinks into a comforting bath, we, the spectators, start peeling back the layers of this beautiful inn.
Let’s paint a picture of HONEY: A maze of intricate corridors, each door unlocking a unique secret. One moment, you’re teleported into a sanctuary, where a muscular man is performing some form of yoga; the next, you’re flung back to the era of Flappers and jazz, with an older man living his best life. Anna’s room, a stark contrast, mirrors the austerity of a convent, a reflection of her past life.
The movie isn’t just a linear story; it’s a vibrant collection of narratives stitched together. Imagine a fierce woman forcing her way into a publisher’s office in the sweltering summer, insisting her story be read at gunpoint. The tale she insists on sharing is the unfolding narrative of our lead, Anna, who is drawn to the mesmerizing owner of HONEY.
As Anna navigates through the twisted maze that is HONEY, you can’t help but wonder what else this labyrinth holds. Peek into rooms and catch a glimpse of the extraordinary residents—an enigmatic gentleman here, a dance instructor there, each contributing to the intriguing vision.
Gianfranco Angelucci, the film’s director, laces HONEY with a dreamlike ambiance that leaves you feeling like you are floating. HONEY transcends its shell to become a complex web of subdued passions and desires, inviting viewers to exercise their imagination. Forget the adrenaline-pumping action sequences; this is akin to a tranquil voyage across a serene lake filled with anticipation (while doing a line off a dark bar’s bathroom sink.)
Angelucci uses his directorial insight to ensure the characters, including Anna and Luc Merenda, gradually unfurl. The film doesn’t assault your senses but gently steers your attention, maintaining equilibrium between the revealed and the concealed. HONEY unravels like a multi-layered narrative, akin to opening a book created by AI. The story unfolds at its pace, accentuated by insightful commentaries from the reader, enacted by Fernando Rey. Journey through Anna’s sensual dreamscape in HONEY, where each encounter contributes a chapter to the riveting saga of her evolution.
HONEY subtly critiques the concept of voyeurism. The audience is invited to partake in Anna’s journey and, in doing so, step into her shoes as silent observers. It is carving out a niche with a reflective narrative and exploring suppressed emotions. It crafts an intriguing balance between voyeurism and implicit content, pivoting around Anna’s transformation from observer to active participant – mirroring the audience’s journey.
Sure, HONEY comes with its share of puzzles and minor inconsistencies. Yet it draws you in with its nuanced exploration of voyeurism and sensuality, providing a compelling cinematic experience. But rest assured; it’s a journey that’s worth every step. With HONEY, you’re not just watching a story unfold; you’re living it, feeling it, and reflecting upon it. So, are you ready for the ride?
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