War Crimes Meet Their Match in Courtroom Saga

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War and Justice


Genre: Documentary
Year Released: 2023
Runtime: 1h 33m
Director(s): Michele Gentile, Marcus Vetter
Where To Watch: shown at the 2024 Munich Film Festival

RAVING REVIEW: Step into the high-stakes world of WAR AND JUSTICE, where the line between legal battles and armed conflict blurs. This documentary navigates the intricate workings of the International Criminal Court (ICC) as it strives to supplant war with justice. Under the keen direction of Marcus Vetter and Michele Gentile, we're drawn into an intimate exploration of the ICC's quest to enforce international law despite facing formidable obstacles on the global stage. With the state of affairs in the world today, this film is more timely than ever; it shows the ICC's intricate challenges while inadvertently pointing out some of its struggles with being the institution it wants to be.

Launched in 1998 with the lofty ambition of curbing the world’s most severe crimes, WAR AND JUSTICE chronicles the ICC’s journey through the thickets of international law and politics. The documentary stitches together scenes of courtroom strategies and the stark realities in war-afflicted regions, offering an inside look at the ICC’s efforts to maintain its relevancy amid worldwide turmoil. I think the film would have been a more intriguing experience if it were to have focused on either purely the creation and evolution of the ICC or just one of its cases.

The narrative arcs around Luis Moreno Ocampo, the ICC’s pioneering chief prosecutor, whose tenure is marked by profound emotional and legal complexities. The torch is later passed to Karim Khan, who inherits not only Ocampo's legacy but also the geopolitical dilemmas of our times, notably highlighted by the urgent calls for legal interventions in crises like Ukraine.

With an intriguing addition, the film incorporates Angelina Jolie's activism, infusing the narrative with a layer of star-studded advocacy that underscores the ICC’s cultural and humanitarian mission. Her involvement brings a tangible, human element to international law's abstract and often distant proceedings.

One of the film’s core tensions is the palpable resistance from global heavyweights like the USA, Russia, and China, whose non-ratification of the Rome Statute significantly stymies the ICC’s reach and efficacy. This resistance is a central thread, as the directors push viewers to consider the future role of international law in fostering global peace and justice.

With visually engaging storytelling, WAR AND JUSTICE makes a compelling case for the transformative power of the ICC. The documentary is not just a recounting of legal milestones but also a powerful plea for a world where legal strategies preempt war, aiming to halt the cycle of violence before it spirals out of control.

As the credits roll, the documentary leaves us pondering a future where the prosecution of war crimes and the prevention of warfare are achievable. WAR AND JUSTICE thus becomes more than a historical document; it's a rallying cry for advocacy, urging us to back a world order where justice and peace are not mere ideals but actionable realities. Through its narrative, the film encourages reevaluating how we view conflict resolution, pushing for a world that chooses law over war.

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