Deceit, Drama, and Deliverance Unfold

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The Umbrella Men: Escape from Robben Island


Genre: Comedy
Year Released: 2023
Runtime: 1h 50m
Director(s): John Barker
Writer(s): John Barker, Philip Roberts
Cast: Jaques Da Silva, Shamilla Miller, Keenan Arrison, Bronte Snell, Kagiso Lediga,  Sivuyile Ngesi, Rob Van Vuuren, June van Merch
Where To Watch: premiered September 9 at the 2023 Toronto International Film Festival

RAVING REVIEW: Just when you thought the adventures of the eclectic team of Jerome, Morty, Mila, Keisha, and the unwavering Auntie Val were over, things take another exciting turn. In the serene aftermath of their escapades, a deceptive calm sweeps through. But as we all know, serenity is often the calm before a storm in cinema. Suddenly, the duo of Jerome and Morty are tangled in the historical Robben Island Prison, setting the stage for a thrilling rescue mission. Of course, the girls are up for the challenge without being caught!

With THE UMBRELLA MEN: ESCAPE FROM ROBBEN ISLAND, Known Associates Entertainment goes beyond creating a mere sequel. They craft a cultural odyssey, inviting us to explore the vibrant heart of Bo-Kaap, Cape Town, and the deep-seated nuances of Cape Malay culture. This film is like a mesmerizing dance, every rhythmic step soaked in melodic local tunes and rich traditions.

Our director's enthusiasm for the movie-making realm is palpable. Taking cues from iconic figures like Paul Thomas Anderson, he embraces filmmaking as a beautiful exploration, an art. But every story has its twist, doesn't it? Within the visually delightful bounds of Cape Town's historic district, joy takes a nosedive when our team realizes they've been played. Their Goema Club funds aren’t quite what they seem. And who's the puppeteer orchestrating this web of deceit? Tendeka. The trio of Jerome, Marty, and Tiger find themselves in quite the legal pickle.

Talk about performances, and you're in for a treat! Jaques De Silva showcases Jerome in all his multifaceted glory, reinforcing his stronghold in the acting realm. Then there's Shamilla Miller, embodying Keisha with a flair that speaks volumes of her varied experiences. Keenan Arrison's portrayal of Morty? A delight. Bronté Snell, taking on Mila's role, becomes a voice echoing tales from South Africa's heart, resonating with dreams, culture, and heritage.

At the story's helm, steering with seasoned expertise, stands filmmaker John Barker. Charting a trajectory from "BUNNY CHOW" to grand stages like Toronto and Rotterdam, Barker has evolved, gathering laurels and admiration. His unswerving commitment, evident in every frame, especially shines in THE UMBRELLA MEN series, underscoring his narrative brilliance.

All said, THE UMBRELLA MEN: ESCAPE FROM ROBBEN ISLAND is an experience that captures South African cinema's brilliance. It narrates a tale of loyalty, betrayal, and a quest for freedom, all set against Bo-Kaap's rich tapestry. A movie that promises and delivers a roller-coaster of emotions, history, culture, and standout performances.

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As an advocate for creators, actors, and writers, I firmly stand with SAG-AFTRA and the WGA in their current strike. The entertainment industry is built on these individuals' extraordinary talents, and their contributions must be appropriately recognized and rewarded. They deserve fair compensation, sensible work hours, and respect for their creative rights. I believe in the power of unity and collective action, and I'm steadfast in my support for their fight for better working conditions and fair remuneration. Together, we can shape a more equitable future in the entertainment world.


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