From the Ocean Waves to Life’s Hurdles

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What's My Name Again?


Genre: Comedy, Drama
Year Released: 2023
Runtime: 1h 53m
Director(s): Spencer Zender
Writer(s): Spencer Zender
Cast: Ryan Winn, Allison Byrnes, Nick Schultz, and Talia Mychael Blaney
Where To Watch: available on VOD, Amazon Prime, Apple TV, Vudu, Google and YouTube. On DVD, available here

RAVING REVIEW: Ready for a vibrant cinematic journey through time? Then let's visit the sun-kissed beaches and neon nights of 1985 Southern California. WHAT’S MY NAME AGAIN? makes it clear that the 80s weren’t just about questionable fashion choices and catchy tunes; they were about self-discovery, deep-rooted secrets, and figuring out where one stands in the grand scheme of things.

Front and center is our protagonist, Bo, impeccably brought to life by Ryan Winn. This isn't just a teen flick about angst and retro vibes. No, Bo's diving into deeper waters here. With an upcoming high-stakes event and a family secret that’s as gnarly as a rogue wave, he’s got quite the tumultuous sea to navigate.

While director Spencer Zender nails the 80s ambiance – think golden sunsets, vintage cars, and cassette tapes – he occasionally drifts into the waters of over-embellishing the era. It's like watching an 80s music video with a tad too high saturation. The 80s were rad, but sometimes less is more.

Who doesn't enjoy an excellent nostalgic throwback? Especially when it's layered with such poignant character dynamics. Griffin “Griff” Nelson, portrayed by the brilliant Nick Schultz, isn’t merely Bo’s wingman. He's the rudder to Bo’s drifting boat, guiding him through life’s choppy waters. On the other hand, Talia Mychael Blaney is the sweet melody in this nostalgic track, grounding the movie as Alea Kai.

Even with some bumps in the road, before you think of hitting the fast-forward button, hold on! There's plenty to rave about. Zender may have overdone the 80s nostalgia a tad, but he knows how to weave a narrative that'll make you sit up, pay attention, and probably shed a tear or two. If this is what he brings to the directorial table as a first-timer, the future of cinema looks promising indeed.

The movie’s true essence, after all, is timeless. It's a tale as old as time – the quest for identity, the bonds that shape us, and the myriad questions life throws our way. And if there’s one thing you can take away from WHAT’S MY NAME AGAIN?, it's that life is a puzzle, and every piece, no matter how small, plays a part in the larger picture.

WHAT’S MY NAME AGAIN? isn't just a love letter to a bygone era. It's a testament to the human spirit, the bonds we forge, and the endless journey of discovering who we are. It’s a reel of life, capturing the highs, lows, and everything in between. Sit back, enjoy, and let the 80s vibes wash over you.


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[photo courtesy of GRAVITAS VENTURES]

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