I Would Have Done so Much Better in School If I Got to Watch Documentaries
The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks
Genre: Documentary
Year Released: 2022
Runtime: 1h 41m
Director(s): Johanna Hamilton, Yoruba Richen
Writer(s): Jeanne Theoharis (based on the novel by)
Where To Watch: premieres on Peacock on October 19, 2022
RAVING REVIEW: If you think you know Rosa Parks, you don’t. Go check out this extraordinary story that dives into the life and history of one of the most essential characters in US history.
One of the most critical aspects of the film is that it was created by those who know the story and the history of the movement in the US. While there are multiple instances where the story takes a deep dive into Park’s life, it doesn’t do so with the idea that you are already a pro on the topic.
I would say most know Mrs. Rosa Parks as the woman who refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white man and was arrested for it. Unfortunately, the more things change, the more they stay the same. I would have blindly told you five years ago that nothing like that would happen again in the US. As I’ve grown significantly in my understanding of the world, my views have changed dramatically over the last five-plus years. Rosa Parks would be heartbroken to see the state of affairs that those who aren’t white face daily in this country.
Reviewer Allison McCulloch commented, "In the wake of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, we must remember those who have fought for our rights.” I can’t think of any more important statement to make currently; so many have fought for the rights that we take for granted, but if we don’t learn from our past, we will indeed be forced to repeat it.
Mrs. Park’s actions made a difference because they led to change through a substantial boycott of Montgomery Buses in one of the first large-scale demonstrations against segregation in the US. While it only lasted for 15 days, approximately 40,000 black bus riders boycotted the company during that time, insisting initially on a first-come, first-seated policy. That changed, but it was interesting how much a straightforward action can begin a change.
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