Two Very Different Survival Horror Films, Two Days in a Row
Hunted (Hounded in the UK)
Genre: Action, Horror
Year Released: 2022
Runtime: 1h 34m
Director(s): Tommy Boulding
Writer(s): Dean Lines, Ray Bogdanovich
Cast: Samantha Bond, Nick Moran, James Lance, Malachi Pullar Latchman
Where To Watch: In Theaters October 21, 2022, and on VOD October 25th
RAVING REVIEW: As I covered THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME yesterday, it’s only fitting that I get to cover a film that relays heavily on that same basic plot that has been seen over the years.
I enjoyed the casting in this film, and I thought each character was cast with perfect respect for their roles in the movie. You could almost tell exactly how their individual stories would play out as soon as you saw them. It was interesting to see how powerful perception is, especially in a film with these undertones.
Director Tommy Boulding genuinely takes this story and weaves it into a pretty powerful feature film debut. While I don’t think many new aspects were added to the traditional genre, I thought it was done well enough to make it feel different from other similar films.
It’s always been interesting to me how films like this generally pit people “without” against the people “with.” It’s almost cliche but at the same time had enough character arcs that it seemed like you can never expect what you think you would. I know that doesn't sound very honest compared to my previous comments, but it’s something that you need to see to understand fully.
My biggest issue is that the film's social commentary gets swept under the rug because of the over-the-top dialogue. At times I felt like it was almost there, but it was a bit all over with the impact of the moments.
I wish there had been less motive in the film as well; sometimes, an evil like this is almost better when you don’t know why they are the way they are. It’s almost along the lines of why I don’t particularly appreciate seeing the “scary” in horror films. Your imagination tends to be a better writer than anything that even the best writers can throw at you because they aren’t in your head.
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