Without Question, One of My Favorite Films of the Year
My Sister Liv
Genre: Documentary
Year Released: 2022
Runtime: 1h 11m
Director(s): Alan Hicks
Writer(s): Paula DuPré Pesmen, Alan Hicks, Andrew McAllister, Jordan Swioklo
Where To Watch: Please visit for showtimes and more information: thelivproject.org/film
National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: 988 offers 24/7 call, text, and chat access.
RAVING REVIEW: As I dry tears from my cheeks, I struggle to think how to put what I just saw into words. Without question, one of the most moving and, almost more important, one of the most crucial films I’ve seen in some time.
Please be aware this documentary deals heavily with topics that may be incredibly triggering and hard for some to watch.
“Dear Liv, it’s your big sister Tess” the opening words to a documentary that left me filled with so much pain, heartache, and yet at the same time, all of the hope and more for tomorrow. With the tone set in the first few moments, there was little question of what this film would be about.
This film and the story, without question, touched me. The rawness, the personal stories, and the struggles that this family had to cope with are all on display here. Liv’s sister Tess, and mother both were the voice of this story, though it was her sister that lent her narration to most of the film. In the form of an open letter to Liv, Tess told us the story from the day Liv was born, and you could feel the love and emotion in her voice.
While films like this are never easy to watch, I promise you will be moved. It will teach you so many things, and that’s the goal of The Liv Project that her mom and sister started. They are trying to help others in so many ways. I can’t remember the last time I felt this emotionally moved by a film; I hope that many others, including those who need it the most, get to experience this message.
National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: 988 offers 24/7 call, text, and chat access.
Please visit The Live Project for more information.
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