My Third Film From the Venice Film Festival
Genre: Drama
Year Released: 2022
Runtime: 1h 38m
Director(s): Fernando Guzzoni
Writer(s): Fernando Guzzoni
Cast: Laura López, Alejandro Goic, Amparo Noguera, Marcelo Alonso, Daniela Ramírez, Ariel Grandón
Where To Watch: premieres December 9, 2022, at LA’s Laemmle Theaters and NYC’s Cinema Village.
This may be one of the most emotionally moving films I’ve seen this year. Every time that I thought I knew what was going on, I was blindsided by realizing I had no clue in actuality. Making it even more interesting is the fact that the film is based on a real story, the “Spiniak Case.”
Something about the film being based on actual events just amplified every scene; it made this “unknown” into something larger than life on and off-screen. I don’t want to spoil anything that happens on screen or in real life, but needless to say, there are still a lot of unanswered questions that even the public isn’t content with. This was a case that the Chilean judicial, political, and journalistic world wasn’t ready for.
While the film is based on these events, it has been elaborated on and “turned into a melodrama.” The director continues, “This film stands as a work of fiction that extracts real elements from the case and comes as a stand-alone story that could have taken place in many different countries.” I think it’s an important note to distinguish the two by still understanding that at its roots, it’s not that far from the truth.
One part of the film that I will spoil is that the “violence” isn’t shown on screen, and I think that was an incredible way to handle the situation. You are never out of the loop on what happened, but the words spoken in the film are more potent than having these unnecessary terrible images on the screen.
Even as I write this review, I find myself battling with complex thoughts about how I felt about the film. The entire movie is almost a case of you deciding if the character is the hero, the anti-hero, or the one we should all be blaming. It’s not an easy watch, but it will leave you thinking long after you’re done watching it.
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